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It's been three weeks since the incident of Jimin's humiliation. Namjoon convinced the school to give Jimin vacation weeks and which they gladly give him 3, but he has to make up the work. Namjoon was okay with that, but Jimin have to house chores and help Jin most of the time. Jimin agreed.

Taehyung and Jeongguk know the situation of Jimin, and they felt terrible. So they always come to his house after school and talked about what's going on and whatnot. But they always leave the part where Yoongi have different girls each day. Jimin already took his pills once a week and only felt a stinging pain once in a while, but he's used to it.

Now, Jimin, Jin, and Namjoon are in the living room having a family movie night.

"I've been wondering," Namjoon suddenly said, catching the attention of the two omega's. "Jin, why your scent is sweeter than normal? Are you stressed? Hormones? Heat? So is yours, Jimin. You guys are killing me."

"I only smell Jimin's sweet scent, but I didn't think much of it, huh. It could be anything, really." Jin said, snuggling into his pink fluffy blanket.

"Are you stressed, Jimin. Did you take your pills? Remember what the side effects does." Namjoon stated.

"Um, yeah. I took my pills, but I didn't felt anything, really."

"I swear to god with you two. I'm going to open the window. Good thing it's raining again, so the smell will block it." Namjoon said and got up from the couch to the window. He opened it, and the sweet scents from the omega's slowly vanishing, making Namjoon feel content.

"It's probably going to thunder soon," He said, looking out the window. "Jimin, remember to turn on your sounds. I don't want to see you in our bed."

Jimin pouted but nodded. In all honesty, he loves sleeping between them. It was his own comfort zone, and most importantly, Jin gives the best cuddles in the world.

"Alright. Let's continue watching the movie." Namjoon said. Everyone nodded and watched the movie for the rest of the night.


Morning came, and Jimin was the first one to wake up. He adjusted his eyes a bit. He was surprised that he slept through the thunder, but he woke up in the living room. He sat up and looked at the ground where he saw two lumps on the floor. He knew that it was Jin and Namjoon. So, he threw himself on top of them, which made them groan in pain.

"Fuckkk. Not my dick." Namjoon groaned as rolled away.

"Jimin!" Jin whined as he rolled away as well. Jimin giggled and got up to stretch his limbs.

"Sorry uwu," Jimin cutely said.

"I'm going to murder your bloodline." Jin evilly said.

"I'm going to bury you alive to Jimin." Namjoon joined in. He was now standing up with a playful glint in his eyes.

"Noooooo!" Jimin ran away from the two.

"Yah, Jimin!"

Namjoon and Jin split to find Jimin, which is hard since he can fit in small places. Meanwhile, with Jimin, he is hiding behind Namjin's dresser. He giggled evilly, knowing Namjoon and Jin were somewhat dumb when it comes to hide and seek because they couldn't look through small cracks.

"Namjoon, where is he?" Jin asked.

Namjoon shrugged, "Did you look everywhere?" Jin nodded. "Damn, he's fast..."

Suddenly Jimin came out with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Sup losers."

"Where the hell were you?!" Jin yelled, coming up to the younger.

"Y'all have bad eyesight and dumb brains for a reason. I hid behind your dresser." Jimin said and skipped towards the kitchen.

"It's like taking care of a child." Namjoon said, following his brother from behind.

"It's because he is a child." Jin mumbled, chuckling a little when he remembered he first met Jimin. He was only 13 years old with the cutest baby face that he ever encountered.

"Damn, your scent is back again." Namjoon had his shirt over his nose, but that didn't help his case when his shirt is only thin. "Something is wrong with you two. Get dressed. We're going to Dr. Jung." He said before leaving the kitchen.

"Do you even smell yourself?" Jimin asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"No, but let's go, I guess, because it could honestly mess us up." Jin replied and went upstairs.


The tro went to the doctor's office, and both omega's were in the same room since Jimin would cry if he were separated.

"Gosh, your scents mixed together, and I'm dying!"

"You know what Namjoon, shut the fuck up before I will shove the whole flag pole up your tight ass!" Jin shouted with sassiness. Namjoon's eyes widen, and for a moment, there was a hint of fear. Sure he got scolded by his mate many times, but this was the first time that he got yelled at. Jimin giggled when his Hyung's face went fearful. Yeah, he knew not to mess with Jin.

Dr. Jung came in with a clipboard in his hand and his wife, Y/n, "Hello, you two. Welcome back, Jimin and- Woah." Dr. Jung lightly swatted the air when he smells the sweet scents.

"See what I mean?" Namjoon stated.

"Nope. I'm a beta, so I can't relate." Y/n said with a dramatic sigh.

"Alright, alright, I smell everything. We'll start with basic questions," He faced Jin. "Any irregular heats? Mood swings? Constant food cravings?"

"Hmm, yeah. I was supposed to have my heat last week, but nothing came. I did have some mood swings, where Namjoon is annoying 24/7, and I have to go to the store for more spatulas and food because Jimin and I raided the fridge." Jin replied. Dr. Jung nodded and wrote everything down.

"We're going to do a blood test. So please go with my wife to get your blood." He said.

"Alright." Jin got down from the medical bed and followed Y/n out of the room.

"Alright, Jimin, have you taken your pills? Have you had your heat yet? Any pains? Mood swings?" He asked.

"I had taken my pills last week. I-I don't know when my heat was supposed to come because it's new for me. I don't believe I have mood swings, and there was slight pains but not a lot because of the pills."

He nodded and wrote it down.

"Ok, um, if you're comfortable, we can do a blood test on you to see if you're perfectly healthy."

Jimin shook his head and leaped out of bed and went behind Namjoon, "N-No! No, needles!"

"Shh Minnie..." Namjoon hugged his trembling brother.

"We don't need to do that Jimin of you don't like that. You can pee in the cup."

"W-Why, my pee?"

"Because it works for us also if someone is not comfortable giving blood. It's still part of your DNA, Jimin." Jimin looked at Namjoon for reassurance. He nodded and gestured Jimin to go with his friend. Jimin slowly detached from his brother and gradually going to the doctor.

"Good," Dr. Jung said while holding Jimin's arm in a comforting way. "It will be over as soon as you know it!" He said gleefully before they left the room.


Minutes have passed, and both omega's were done testing. They are now waiting for results in the same room they have been in. Namjoon, Jin, and Jimin were holding hands, waiting for the results.

This time, Y/n came in with an exciting look on her face.

"So, I got both of your results annndddd...." She dragged word making the trio anxious.

"Tell us, couch potato!" Jin yelled.

"Sksk, fine. Kim Seokjin and Kim Jimin. You both are pregnant!"

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