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Jimin POV

Wake up.

Wake up.

Jimin, please wake up.

Your twins, they're crying for you!


My eyes shot open, and pain immediately went through my body, but I didn't care. I want to see my babies.

I sat up, pulling every IV out of my arm and wobbled towards the door. I opened, and the hallway was full of nurses and doctors. One spotted me.

"Get back into your room, please. We'll be right with you." No, I want my babies. I ignored them and ran out, but one of the security guards got to me before I even made it to the elevators.

"No! Let go! I need to see my babies!" I yelled out, but they ignored me and continued to drag me to my room. They placed me on the bed and put shackles that were connected to the bed on my wrists. They were tight and uncomfortable.

"Thank you, Jiwon..." One of the nurses said. This Jiwon security nodded and left the room. Now it's the nurse and me alone in the place.

"Please, please, where's my babies?" I asked desperately.

"The cute twins that were with you? Don't worry. They're safe in our very playroom. They're both healthy, and nothing was harmed by them, which is good." I let out a sigh of relief, and I calmed down.

"We have police who wanna question about the fire that has started at your house and... About your husband." She said. Taemin, has he heard about the fire?

"Can I see my children first?"

She thought for a while then nodded. She uncuffed the shackles and helped me got up. She helped me walked to the playroom, and I saw them. They were playing with legos while drinking their orange juice.

The nurse opened the door, and twins looked. They saw me with smiles on their face, but it quickly turned into their pouty face meaning they were going to cry. They ran to me, giving me the biggest hugs.

"My babies..." I mumbled, crying both at their tiny necks.

"M-Mama... I-It's scary..." Taeji said, hugging me tighter.

"I'm sorry, babies... Mama is okay..." I pulled them back and wiped their tears from their delicate face.

"Mr. Lee?" Jimin looked back and saw two officers, one female, and one male.

"We would like to question you if that's possible." The officer said. Jimin nodded and gestured the twins to play some more, which they obeyed. The two officers and Jimin sat one of the tables that the playroom provide.

"Hello, Mr. Lee, my name is Officer Carter, and this is my partner Officer Mendes." The female said, and I nodded.

"Okay, your house blew up, and everyone was investigating to see what's going on. Good thing one of your neighbors spotted you when you passed out." Officer Carter said. "Is there any strange smell while you're at the house? Or anything unusual?" She asked.

"No... The stove wasn't on or anything. But there was something strange. Yesterday while we're eating breakfast... The sliding door was open. I thought that my husband opened it because it was warm, but he said he didn't open it. He thought I left it open because I was outside two days ago, but I'm pretty sure that I locked it." I responded.

"Okay then," Officer Mendes wrote down on his note pad. "The sliding door. Was there any signs of break-in or anything?" He questioned.

"No. The sliding door was fine; it was just opened." I was slowly getting frustrated. Maybe I shouldn't really brought up the sliding door.

"Okay. How about your husband, where does he work?" He asked.

"He told me he worked at Diamondtechs. He's the CEO... He was supposed to be at Busan r-right now... C-Can I call him?"

The two officers looked at each other with a sympathetic look, and then they looked at me.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lee... He was reported dead. His car exploded automatically... That's why your mate mark is gone." Officer Carter explained.





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