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Jimin fastly walked down the hallway with a flushed face. He made his way into the bathroom to cool his face. He may meet gods perfect creation. Jimin turned on the faucet and threw the water onto his face, hoping his face cooled down. He sighed in relief when he stood up and looked at the mirror.

"Ok, Jimin. Calm down. It's not like you'll see him again..." Jimin mumbled to himself. Jimin grabbed a towel that was by the mirror and wiped himself dry. He put the towel back and went back to the living room where Jeongguk and Taehyung were snuggled up.

Jimin pouted, "Jeonggukie~ I thought me and you are going to hang out." Jeongguk innocently smiled.

"Alright, before shorty here, kill me. I'll get Yoongi Hyung, and I'll see you at school bunny." Taehyung said as he stood up and fixed himself and left the room. Jimin smiled and sat next to his best friend.

"Hyung, you need to get yourself an alpha. I almost feel bad when Taehyung and I are together and make you feel left out." Jeongguk said. He snuggled against Jimin. Jimin instantly snuggled with him, like a clingy koala.

"I know, Jeonggukie. I want what you and Taehyung have, but luck has always backfired on me when it comes to mates." Jimin replied. Jeongguk hummed, not saying anything else because he didn't want to make his Hyung sad.

Then heavy footsteps were heard. The two omega's looked up and saw Taehyung and the mystery person, which Jimin saw.

"Ah, Jimin, have you met Yoongi Hyung?" Taehyung asked.


"You answer to slow. Well, Yoongi Hyung, this is Jimin, and Jimin, this is Yoongi Hyung. He's my cousin." Taehyung introduced.

"Nice to meet you," Yoongi said with a smirk. He extended his hand for a handshake. Jimim blushed and slowly accepted the handshake.

"His hands are warm and huge..." Jimin thought. He didn't realize that he eas still shaking his hand until Yoongi pulled away.

"O-Oh, sorry..." Jimin apologized.

Yoongi chuckled, "It's fine, doll." Again Jimin blushed.

"Yah Yoongi, stop teasing and let's go," Taehyung said and dragged Yoongi out the front door, not before kissing his boyfriend goodbye.

"Ugh, hurry up." Yoongi said. Taehyung said his goodbyes and left the house.

Jimin and Jeongguk sat in complete silence. Jimin is still red as a tomato while Jeongguk has his face like this

 Jimin is still red as a tomato while Jeongguk has his face like this

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Jimin looked to his right and slapped Jeongguk for making that face.

"Owww!" Jeongguk whined at the pain. "Why'd you do that?!" Jeongguk exclaimed, rubbing the spot where Jimin slapped him.

"Don't tease me." Jimin gruffly said. Jeongguk mumbled incoherent words under his breath, which thankfully Jimin didn't hear. The two omegas pulled the thick blanket over them and Jeongguk out on a movie. A comedy to be exact which they love by the way.

Jimin made his thoughts wander off. His mind was on a specific word. Mate. Jimin had terrible luck finding a mate. He always thought that he's not good enough or not even presentable enough. This made him still insecure about himself.

He's just tired of being alone.

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