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Morning came, and Jimin woke and did his usual routine. Once he was finished, he got dressed and collecting his things for school. While he was doing that, he smelt something good. But his eyes widen when it's just him and Namjoon in this house. Namjoon could burn the house down!

Jimin ran to the living room as fast as he can but slowed down because he remembered that Jin spend the night here. He never knew why Jin kept coming for the past couple of days. He was never been told why. He followed that sweet scent of meat, eggs, and pancakes. He arrived at the kicthen and saw Jin's back facing him and Namjoon sitting at the table drinking his coffee.

Namjoom noticed him, "Oh Jimin. Good morning. I need to tell you something, have a seat." Namjoon said. Jimin nodded and sat down across from Namjoon while Jin put out the breakfast in front of them.

"What do you need to tell me?" Jimin asked as he rubbed his sweaty palms against his black jeans. He feared that Namjoon will confront him about the scent or that he 'accidentally' smashed into his brothers wall awhile back. Don't ask.

"Can you stay with Jeongguk on the weekends?" He asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Jeongguk is going on a trip with his family this weekend. But why?"

"If he's going. Will Taehyung still be here?"

"Yeah... I think. Why do you need to know?"

"Jimin... You're an omega and-"

"Namjoon, he's still 16. He won't know until he turned 18..." Jin said as he hold Namjoon's hand under the table. He rested his head on his shoulder, feeling a little clingy, and his scent of sweet honey made Jimin cover his nose.

"Jinnie... Up to our room." Namjoon whispered. Jin nodded and walked towards the hallway.

"Namjoon, why his scent so sweet and strong?" Jimin asked while uncovering his nose.

"You'll know soon. Noe, I'm going to call Taehyung, and I'll tell you after school if he's free or not." Jimin nodded. "Now eat the food before it gets cold," Namjoon said as he got up from his seat and went where Jin was. Jimin ate his breakfast alone.


Jimin arrived at school by walking because he didn't want to bother his brother and Jin in the bedroom. Jimin walks down the hallway seeing the same people with their friends. Jimin went to his locker to get his books for his morning class.

When he eas about to close his locker, it was shut for him. He turned and saw Yoongi leaning against the locker with a smug look on his face.

"O-Oh hi, Yoongi." Jimin stuttered out, making Yoonhi smirk. His hand made way to Jimin's chin, and his thumb graze over Jimins bottom lip.

"You have lovely plump lips, Jimin." Yoongi said. Jimin blushed and tried to get out of Yoongi's youch, but he was pinned against the lockers.

"Um, Yoongi. I need to get to class..." Jimin said, trying to convince him but boy it didn't work.

"Why the rush, baby boy? The class won't start until 7:30. We have all the time we need." Yoongi whispers. He leaned down and was about to kiss Jimin's lips until he was punched on the cheek, making him fall onto the ground.

"Taehyung!" Jimin shrieked. Taehyung grabbed Jimin's arm, pulling him from behind.

"Yah Yoongi, leave him alone." Taehyung said. Jimin peeked from behind, seeing Yoongi got up, wiping the blood off from his lip. He looked at Taehyung and Jimin with his red eyes showing.

"What did I say, Taehyung? Jimin's not yours, you have Jeongguk. Spare the pinkie~" Yoongi mockingly said. People were gathered around already, having their phones out recording the drama.

"Leave him alone, Yoongi. Your final warning!" Taehyung barked, showing his true alpha. Yoongi chuckled and walked away.

"There's no show here! Leave!" He yelled, and everyone felt intimated by his alpha voice, so they left and went back to whatever they're doing.

"What happened?" Taehyung and Jimin turned around and saw Jeongguk with a confusing face.

"Your boyfriend saved me, Guk. He's lucky to have you." Jimin replied. Jeongguk walked over to him and hugged his tense boyfriend.

"That's nice of you, babe! So cute to protect Jiminie like he's your little brother, awe! Look at your red eyes! There's nothing to be mad, alpha. All I see is a cute Taehyung with an adorable pouty face!" Jeongguk kept gushing at Taehyung, and he was beet red, making Jimin laugh. It's easy to make Taehyung flustered. He can be hard sometimes, but when it comes to Jimin and Jeongguk, he will do anything to protect them and turn into a big softie in a matter of seconds.

"Jeongguk enough~" Taehyung whined, pushing his hands gently away.

"Alright, fine~ Let's go to class." He said, dragging his boyfriend and Jimin behind him.

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