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Jin came back home at 10 pm. He saw Y/n, and Jimin cuddled up in the living room, with the TV program on. He cooed and snapped a couple of pictures for safekeeping and went to wake up Y/n.

"No, Justin Timberlake, I won't bring Sexyback..." Y/n mumbled and adjusted herself further against Jimin. Jin snickered and shook her again.

"No, Hoseok... I'm the daddy tonight." Y/n mumbled again but didn't move. Jin sighed and rubbed his head in disappointment. He shook her again, but this time a little harder.

"W-What...?" Y/n opened her eyes and rubbing them on the process. She blinked a few times and looked around, where she spotted Jin.

"Hey, Jin... What time is it?" She said groggily.

"It's 10 pm. Do you want to stay the night?" Jin asked. Y/n nodded and signed the couch while Jimin's body slumped over on Y/n's butt.

"Mm, yeah, because Jimin is literally hugging my butt, and there is no way for me to get out." Y/n said as she looked over her shoulder, seeing Jimin's head snuggling her butt. "Damn, I know my butt is comfy, but I won't apologize if I fart on him."

Jin giggled, "I was about to take him up, but I guess I'll sleep down here with you guys. Just let me change, and I'll grab extra blankets and pillows. Do you need any clothes?"

She shook her head, "No, thanks. I have your clothes on me. Hope you don't mind my scent smelling like vanilla mint."

"Ah, that's fine. Be right back." Jin said and ran upstairs.

Y/n grabbed her phone and opened up messages to text the family group chat that she created instead of texting each individual because that's annoying.

My beautiful family
2 recipients

I'm sleeping over at Jin's place. I'll be home tomorrow around 12. Yoongi, I want the house cleaned.

That seemes a bit unfair

Sounds fair to me, though. So clean the house, or I'll take away your piano.


I won't be home until 3 tomorrow, sorry.

I wonder why 🤨

I'm a doctor, Yoongi. I have to stay.

That's what Jiyeon said, and I saw marks on your neck 👀

Jesus christ Yoongi. Stop this bullshit! We'll all have to talk in the when we get back. Save your arguments later! Goodnight.

Y/n shut her phone off and huffed. "Jiyeon? She's just the front desk lady. She's nice, though, and I'm happy about her pregnancy too! And marks? Nah, Hobi told me that he kept scratching his neck." She smiled.

"Hey, smiley." She got startled a little, making Jimin whined and changed position on her butt.

"Here," Jin gave her an extra pillow and a blanket, but it only covered her told half, but that's fine because Jimin is keeping her legs warm.

"Thanks." Jin nodded and situated himself on the couch.

"So, what's going on with Namjoon?" Y/n asked.

"Well, Hoseok has him strapped down on the bed. He said he'd run tests on him tomorrow, because today, Namjoon is unconscious still. His alpha wolf took a toll on him. Now three guards are guarding the door. So Hoseok and I went home."

"Wait... What time it all started to happen?" She asked, getting all suspicious.

"So you guys left at 6:56... I went to Namjoon at 7:01 because I have to go to the bathroom, then I saw Hoseok talking to the other doctors probably about Namjoon. So I went up while the doctors left and talked to Hoseok for an hour because of Namjoon and about my pregnancy. Then went inside at like... 8:20 or so, to check up on Namjoon, but he remains unconscious. So Hoseok said I could go home, so I did. But I went to an ice cream parlor, then I went grocery shopping, then I came here."

"Wow, long story."

"Yup. Now I want some sleep," He covered himself with the blanket he brought. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight..." She mumbled. She took out her phone and messaged her husband.


Hey. Jin told me you went home already? Did something came up or...?

Something came up at the clinic, sorry I didn't tell you about it. I was in a bit of a rush.

Oh, okay, take care, baby. I Love you ❤😘

Yeah, goodnight.

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