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Jimin POV

After that whole of me arguing Namjoon while Jin is trying to calm him down as well as Y/n pushing him back because I didn't want him near me. I did text Taemin to come here asap because Namjoon is one crazy alpha.

Soon enough, I saw Taemin holding Namjoon's shoulders back. It was scary seeing them almost fighting each other. Then another scent has hit me... A very familiar scent that I know too well.

"Yah, Yoongi, help!" From my vision, I saw Yoongi grabbed one of Namjoon's arms while Taemin grabbed the other. I saw that Namjoon's eyes switch to red and brown.

"Just fucking calm down, Joon!" Jin yelled and slapped Namjoon. My eyes widen, I knew that Jin has anger issues, but not severely. I whimpered quietly, knowing this whole thing is my fault. I'm the one who started this entire mate thing.

Namjoon groaned and shook his head. His eyes were back to a standard color, but his expression is scary. Jin remained his posture, probably knowing that glare could mean trouble for the both of them. This is my fault.

"Let's all talk about this calmly. Let's start with Jimin, whose appearance is having Yoongi and Taemin's baby!" Jin exclaimed, throwing his hands up and crossing across his chest.

"What the fuck?!" Yoongi yelled out. I bit my lip, suppressing my emotions. "Never knew you could be a slut, Jimin. Damn."

"Yoongi." Y/n sternly said, glaring at him.

"What?" He questioned. "It's true. I couldn't care less if he's having my baby, but this guy. Damn."

The thing that hurt most is that Namjoon didn't do anything. He just let Yoongi threw insults at me, of course, Y/n and Jin tried to stop him, but he kept going.

"Ah, fuck... Stop it omega!" Yoongi clutched his chest, making me all confused.

"Reject me! I don't need to be bonded with you!"

"I-I-" I looked around and saw Taemin with pleading eyes. I'm hurting the both of them mentally, but I don't want to be away from Yoongi. I can't.

"Kim fucking Jimin! Just reject me, slut!"

"I-I, Kim Jimjn, reject M-Min Yoongi... As my mate..." My head started feeling dizzy, and everything was a blur, now everything went black as I thought the bond being broken.


I woke up still in my room, but there was a heavyweight on my body. I looked at my arm, seeing no IV attached to me. I turned my head feeling soft hair touching my nose.

"Taemin?" I asked groggily. The figure's head wasn't Taemin at all...

It was Yoongi's...

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