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Jimin went to hug his brother, which he dearly missed. Both of their family scents mixed together, making it smell more homey than ever.

"Joonie, I missed you..." Jimin mumbled into his shoulder.

"I missed you too, pup." Namjoon responded, hugging him tighter than ever. The twins watched in astonishment as their mother hugged the intimated man. Soon after, the sibling pulled back, and Namjoon wiped Jimin's flawless tears from his cheek.

"Don't cry, Minnie. I'm here, and we're here..." He said. He looked behind Jimin and noticed the twins were standing there, all shy like. "Awe, Taeji, and Jiyoon." He walked towards them, and the twins froze at their spot.

Jimin sniffled, "Guys, this is your Uncle Joon, remember him when we video chatted?" The twins thought about it and nodded. Instantly, the twins hugged their uncle which made, Jin and Jimin cooed at the sight.

"Where's the triplets?" Jimin asked.

"Ah, they're at daycare at the moment because I have to pick you up, and Namjoon have a meeting this morning, which apparently... He was supposed to have a meeting with Taemin..." Jin said quietly. Jimin hummed in understanding, he looked down, trying not to let any tears down, but he failed at it.

"Awe, Jimin, it's okay..." Jin mumbled and hugged him. Soon after, Namjoon and the twins joined in the hugging. Jimin cried louder into Jin's shoulder, and it was too much for him to handle.

"M-Mama... P-Papa is i-in heaven. J-Just, like you said!" Taeji said, hugging Jimin's right thigh while Jiyoon is on the other. Jimin pulled his head up and wiped his tears, and nodded.

"Yeah, baby... He is..." Jimin croaked, and he chuckled lightly.

"Come on, Jimin, go get some rest. We'll take care of the twins for you. Your room is upstairs at the end of the hallway to your right." Jin said, wiping his tears. Jimin nodded and began to walk away.

"But I wan mama." Jiyoon whined as he saw Jimin walking upstairs.

Jin squatted down to their height, "Mama needs some rest. Did mama leave you alone if you wanted to sleep?" Jiyoon pouted as he nodded slowly. "So, let your mama rest, and we're going to pick up your cousins, okay?" The twins nodded eagerly because they were excited to see their cousins to play with.

"Okay. Babe, are you ready? Wait... Who's going to watch Jimin?" Jin asked.

"I got it covered." Namjoon smirked. After a while of Jin squinting his eyes at Namjoon, the door knocked. Namjoon went to open, and it revealed, Y/n with a little girl clinging by her thigh.

"Y/n! Hi Nala~" The little girl, Nala, waved her hand.

"Sorry, she's still shy..." Y/n said as she patted her little girls head.

"It's fine it's fine." Namjoon said and letting them both in.

"Omg, are those the twins!?" She squealed out and ran towards them. The twins were frightened and hid behind Jin, which made Y/n pout.

"Crazy old hag, you scaring them." Jin said.

"Fine, fine, fine, I'm sorry I scared you little ones. I promise I won5 bite, but I'm Y/n. I'm your mama's friend." The twins were prettily easy to convince, so they come out from their hiding spot.

"M-Mama's frien?" Taeji said, and Y/n nodded.

"And this is my daughter, Nala." Y/n grabbed her hand and gently pulled Nala towards the twins. Nala shyly waved at the twins while her face is flushed. The twins waved back with their gummy smiles showing.

"Y/n here will stay here until Jimin wakes up. Let's go, babe." Jin nodded and hugged Y/n. They all waved their goodbyes, leaving them alone.

"Can we do TikTok, mommy?" Nala asked, pulling her mother's phone out of the purse.

"Ah shit, here we go again." Y/n thought. She joined TikTok when she was about seven months pregnant with Nala. Her followers, likes, and views went up so much that she's considered TikTok famous.

"Yes, sweetie..." Y/n said and set up her phone.


Jimin reached towards the bedroom where Jin instructed him to go. To his surprise, it was his old furniture, but they added two bunk beds. Jimin smiled and let his body flopped on his old bed. It felt home to him instead in that mansion. Don't get him wrong, he loved the mansion, but most of the times when Taemin wasn't in the mansion because he was working late. Jimin slept on the couch because that bed they were laying on was too big for him, and he needed someone by him.

Jimin sighed and stared up at the ceiling. For the past three years, Jimin's life changed drastically. He had his twins, and he married Taemin... He remembered that every photo book, album, was destroyed at the house along with everything in the house.

A few tears were pooling around his eyes.




"I can't..." Jimin mumbled.

He truly loved Taemin.

Then there it is.

The voice.

"Mom, is he alright?"

That familiar scent of pinecones.

"Yeah, baby... He's just going through a tough time."

The scent that he's been longing for.

"You can go check on him, but be quiet. He might be asleep."

"Okay, mom."


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