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Jimin finally put some band-aids on his nipples lol. But he was still flustered at the situation that occurred earlier. He tried to get it out of his head, but he missed those precious lips from a long time ago even though his omega self took over the whole situation.

He shook off the feeling he wasn't supposed to feel since his husband just fucking died, and he's still recovering the trauma.

Jimin went back to his room and saw Taeji on the tablet playing some educated games. Jiyoon is still sleeping on the bed, his thumb finally out of his mouth.

"Jimin! Jeongguk and Taehyung is here!" He heard Namjoon yelled. All the excitement made Jimin run downstairs and hugged Jeongguk as he was in front of him, but something round and hard poking his stomach. Jimin pulled back to see the younger and looked down.

"Jeongguk, you're pregnant!?"

"Yep! Taehyung couldn't keep his dick in." Jeongguk playfully said.

"Yah! You said you want a pup! Hey, Jimin!" Taehyung hugged both of the omega, feeling all nostalgia when they were back in high school.

"Ah, haven't felt that in so long..." Taehyung said as he pulled back from the hug. Both omega's agreed.

"Oh! Where are your children, Jimin? I wanna see them!" Jeongguk said excitedly.

"Shh... They're both upstairs, but one of them is sleeping. You're going to have to wait." Jeongguk pouted, but nodded and gave Jimin one last hug.

"Okay, kids, dinner time!"


The dinner table was joyful at the least, but Jimin didn't make any eye contact at Yoongi for the longest time. Yoongi felt hurt, but he deserved it.

"Oh my god, Jimin. I forgot to tell you that Jeongguk joined the Colorguard team back in high school, and their performance was so adorable!" They were dressed as bunnies, and it was honestly so cute." Taehyung said as he gleamed his eyes at Jeongguk.

"It wasn't actually bunny costumes!" Jeongguk protested. Everyone chuckled, and Jeongguk pouted as he took a bite out of his carrot.

The kids were finished their meal and excused themselves to play for a while.

"So, anything happened lately?" Taehyung asked everyone as he took a sip of his beer. Everyone has one expect for Jeongguk and Jimin.

"Me and Jin were trying for another bab- Ow!" Jin slapped Namjoon across the head with a glare while everyone laughed.

"I don't want more babies dickwad. Three is enough."

"Harsh Jin." Jeongguk said, laughing.

"What? It's true."

"Anyways, Jimin. Any fond memories? I'm trying to get the negative thoughts out of your head, pup." Joon said. Everyone stared at Jimin, waiting for him to speak. He sighed and took deep breaths.

"There was one when I gave birth to the twins. I just woke up, and I saw Taemin looking down at them with so much adoration in his eyes. I never forget it. Oh, and when Jiyoon ran into the screen door, and he just sat there for a good 10 minutes before crying. I know it's bad to laugh at your child, but I couldn't resist it. It's adorable."

"Awee." Everyone cooed uwu.

"That instantly remembered that you did the same thing when you were just a baby, but instead of crying, you just laughed it off, which it fucking scared me." Namjoon remembered.

"I fucking knew it, dude, he's possessed as a child!" Jin shouted. "Wait, wait, wait, I have a joke."

"Ah shit, here we go again." Y/n said as she took a sip of her beer. Scratch that, not a sip, the WHOLE entire bottle.

"I wanted to go on a diet, but I feel like I have way too much on my plate right now."


"I honestly felt so ATTACKED..." Y/n said.

"Same, and I'm pregnant." Jeongguk pouted. Jin was just laughing his ass off, almost falling off the chair.

"I'm leaving... I can't deal with crackheads when I already got one." Taehyung said and pulled Jeongguk up from the chair. He whined as he was pulled away from his soulmate... Chocolate cake.


"Bye, everyone. See you tomorrow!"

Everyone said bye as the couple left.

"Believe me, and I'm hilarious." Jin in a matter of fact tone. "Now," He picked two bottles of beer, "I'm going to watch my soap opera and drink uwu." He said and walked away.

"And I'm going to steal his drink and scold him. All of you can do whatever." Namjoon left, and now there were three on the dining table.

"Well, shit... I'm going to check on Nala and call Hoseok. I'm pretty sure she misses him."

"I thought I'm going to check on Nala?" Yoongi said confusedly.

"Nope, shut up. Didn't say anything. Three is the magic number." Y/n randomly said and left without the alpha saying any more.

The dining room was tense just a little bit.

"Um..." Jimin wanted to say something, but how?

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I didn't mean to kiss you without permission... It's my fault." Yoongi said. Jimin felt a little bit a relief in his heart. He stood up, and Yoongi did the same.

"Um, that's fine, Yoongi. Really it's fine..." Yoongi nodded also felt a little relief in his heart as well. They both stood there awkwardly and not knowing what to do.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Yoongi asked. Jimin was unsure since he has kids and needs to do. But maybe one movie won't hurt him.

"Uhm... Sure..." They both walked into an empty living room and sat down on the couch. Yoongi turned on the TV and out on a random movie.

"I heard this movie is interesting." Yoongi said, and Jimin hummed, paying attention to the movie.





Ruffled noises

Little whimpers

Gentle kisses

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