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"That's not your choice, Namjoon. It's not your body." Hoseok said. He smoothly went towards them, but slowly.

Namjoon growled and stepped back while Jimin was trying redetach his arm from him. But his grip was too tight, for sure it will leave bruise marks.

"I don't care. He lives under my roof, he lives under my rules." His whole alpha was taking over, and there was no sign of Namjoon anywhere.

"Ok ok, we'll set him up for an appointment, but let him go." Hoseok persuaded. Namjoon grunted, he thought for a while, then he let go of Jimin.

Jimin fastly crawled towards Hoseok, who hugged him while Jimin silently sobs into his chest. Namjoon came back to normal, but he fainted again. That's where the door opened, showing two security guards and two worried people in the back.

"Take him to a room. Strap him down as well, please." Hoseok ordered. The security guards nodded and grabbed Namjoon and lift him out.

"What happened?!" Y/n asked.

Hoseok sighed and rubbed Jimin's pink hair, soothingly, "Namjoon's alpha took over. Jin, was he taking his pills?" He asked.

"H-He was, but he told me that he didn't need it because he was getting better!" He answered. "Jimin..." Jin went closer, and Jimin attached himself to Jin, inhaling the sweet scent of an omega.

"Apparently he's not doing hood... Tsk. We're going to have to keep him here until further notice until then, and you may either go home or stay. Your choice." With that, Hoseok left the three, attending to Namjoon.

"I-I'm going to stay here, Jimin. I need to see what's going on. Y/n, can you take him home?"

"N-No! W-Want you!" Jimin whined as he clutched Jin closer, fully burying his face into his neck.

"Jimin, please... I'll check on Namjoon for a while, and I'll get Ice cream on the way, sounds good?" Jin said while rocking him. Jimin pulled back and nodded while wiping his tears away. He was convinced because of the ice cream.

"Y/n will take you, behave, ok?"

Jimin nodded. Y/n reached out to Jimin, and he obeyed and went into her arms. They both walked out, Jimin still shaking because of his scary brother. Y/n grabbed her keys and led Jimin out of the clinic. The sky was painted orange and pink, and it was a beautiful sight, which made Jimin calm a little bit.


Y/n is making mac and cheese for dinner since it was an easy meal to make. Jimin was taking a shower while poking his belly. Now that he has a baby inside, he will be more careful as Y/n said. He was beyond happy that he'll care for the little pup, but his brother won't be too happy.

"Puppy? I'll protect you from the bad world we live in. I'll protect you from my brother. I'll protect you from my friends because they are too chaotic." Jimin chuckled. "I'll protect you because I love you!" He exclaimed. Y/n called his name, saying that dinner was ready. He immediately got out of the shower and put his clothes on.

He rushed downstairs when his nose smell the perfect mac and cheese aroma.

"Dinner is served. Eat it while it's hot!" She said. He grabbed his spoon and immediately dug in.

Y/n P.O.V

I watched as Jimin ate his mac and cheese. I wasn't hungry, so I'll let him have the rest. While admiring him, my phone chimed. I groaned and looked at the notification.

Son🤡 1 New Notification

Hey mom, where are you? What are we going to eat?

Yoongi, I won't be home until later maybe your father will be there, but I'm not too sure.

He's not my father.

Doesn't matter, Yoongi. Look, there's money inside the false pineapple buy some fast food.

Ok, thanks.

But when I get back, me and you are going to have a serious talk.

Am I in trouble?


What did I do? I got good grades that last time checked.

We'll talk when I get home. Bye hun.

I turned my phone to silent since I didn't want to hear any more of my son's questioning. He acts like his father way too much, stupid guy. But I'm glad I met Hoseok. He's my knight in shining armor.

"Ms. Jung. May I have some more, please?" I looked, and Jimin has the most innocent face ever that made me melt like butter.

"Of course, sweetie. I'm not hungry anyway." I said. I grabbed his plate, filling up with more mac and cheese, then giving the plate to Jimin.

"Mrs. Jung..." I looked at him, and he started to shake a little, and tears were falling out right of his eyes. I quickly hugged him, hoping to calm him down.

"Namjoon wants to get rid of my little bean..." He sobbed. "W-Why!?"

"Sweetie," I soothingly stroked his hair. "It's ok, it's ok..."

"My little bean..." He mumbled into my chest. I sniffed the air for a moment, and his hormone scent is blaring off, good thing the windows were closed so the smell won't set off hungry alpha's.

"Hey Jimin, calm down... Your scent is setting off." I said, pulling him off of me.

"I-I'm sorry..." He said, sniffling and went back to eat his mac and cheese. I stayed close to him if he cries again.

I wanted to cry, but my crying sessions were cut off when Hoseok was fucking me 24/7. I still need to find a way to dominate him.

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