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Jimin put back the necklace inside the velvet box and put it back in the safe.

'Is that mine and Yoongi's initials?' He thought to himself, but it didn't make any sense. Taemin and him were together at the time, not Yoongi and Jimin.

"Hey, Jimin, were here." Yoongi said. Jimin looked up and saw the White House that was entirely hidden by trees.

"Wow... So beautiful, Yoongi." Yoongi smiled and parked the car in front of the garage. He got out and sent to the backseat and got out Jiyoon.

"I want to walk my chubby legs needs some stretching." Jiyoon said, and Yoongi obeyed. Jiyoon stretched out his little body with his teddy bear. Jimin put the safe down on the floor because it was a little heavy. He went to do the same thing, but Taeji was fast asleep.

"Goddamn..." Jimin mumbled as he carried the little pup and followed Yoongi to the house.

"So you're basically living here, and you can do whatever you want. The rooms are upstairs, and you can choose one I don't care. Maybe later we can go shopping for your stuff and the twins." Yoongi said.

"Okay, thank you, Yoongi... So much."

"No problem, Jimin. Oh, and also, you start Taemin's position in four days. You were supposed to give you it tomorrow, but I called them about the situation, and they willingly gave you four."

"Oh... I forgot about that. I have no clue about running a company, Yoongi..." Jimin whined, which caused Taeji to wake up from his nap.

"Sorry, bud, go back to sleep." Jimin mumbled to him. Taeji yawned and placed his head on his shoulder again, falling asleep.

"Don't worry about running it. Namjoon and I will help you since we work there." Yoongi whispered so that he won't wake up the pup.

"Oh... Thank you again..." Yoongi nodded and walked someplace else without another word. Jimin huffed and looked around what supposedly be a living room. It felt cozy and homey here, so he went upstairs and saw way too many doors.

"Jerk didn't tell me how many rooms there are." Jimin mumbled and opened the first one. It was a guest room that Jimin figured since it's a standard sized room with a normal-sized bed. He closed the door and went to another. It's just the bathroom and to another and another and another until he reached a room, the master bedroom.

"Hope he doesn't mind me getting this room..." Jimin mumbled and walked in, laying the pup on the bed since his arms are starting to hurt.

He looked around the room, and it was large enough to put toddler beds. Jimin didn't feel safe if his kids were in separate bedrooms.

"Mama..." Jiyoon whispered out and waddled inside the room. "Big room!"

"Shh, Jiyoon. Your brother is sleeping, and you should be too." Jimin picked him and rocked him. Jiyoon whined and squirmed, trying to get out of his arms.

"No, no nappies!" Jiyoon protested, but Jimin held him tighter and sang him his favorite lullaby. Each word and vocal made Jiyoon paid attention. He loved it when his mother sing. Jiyoon let out a yawn and closed his eyes as his mother finished the lullaby.

Jimin carefully put him down and grabbed a nearby blanket, and covered them both.

"Sweet dreams..." Jimin whispered as he pecked both of their foreheads and left the room.

"That was beautiful." Jimin jumped at the voice and turned to see Yoongi leaning against the wall.

"Sorry about that."

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