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The next morning Taemin woke up early because he wants to spend more time with family before going on this boring business trip. He got dressed and went downstairs, took his lovely family some breakfast.

All that cooking made Jimim woke up. He smelt yummy pancakes, eggs, bacon, grits, and sausage. He can smell it all. He got up and got some new clothes because he was lazy to get his clothes on the floor. It requires a lot of bending, and Jimin bent way too much last night. He went to the twin's room and woke them up.

"Momma..." Jiyoon whined while rubbing his eyes. Next is Taeji.

"Wake up, buttercup, time for breakfast. It looks like dad is cooking." Both twins mumbled that they wanted more sleep, but Jimin said no and picked them up and head towards the kitchen.

"Hey hubby~" He said when he saw his husband behind the stove.

"Hi, babe. Breakfast is almost ready!" He exclaimed. Jimin nodded and put the twins on the dining room chairs. He patted their cheeks lightly to wake them up.

"Wake up, my babies!" He nibbled on their cheeks, making them laugh.



"No more sleepy!" Jimin said and sat across from them.

"Breakfast is ready!" Taemin served food to his family. It was a big breakfast for Jimin's liking because he might get worried about the twin's hyperness after this.

"Yum!" The twins started to dig into their pancakes, but Jimin have to help them cut it up because he didn't want any choking hazard.

The little family ate in peace while the wind was peacefully glided through the dining room since the sliding door was open.

"That's weird... The sliding door was open. Did you open it, Taemin?" Jimin asked.

"No. I didn't even knew it was open... But you were outside, weren't you? You probably left it open." Taemin responded as he got up to close the sliding door.

"Probably." Jimin felt uneasy. "So, would you like to tell the twins?" He asked, changing the topic.

"Ah yes, boys listen up," Taemin demanded. The twins perked their heads up, looking at their father with syrup smoother all over their face. "You probably won't like this, but this is my workday. I will have to go on a trip for three weeks."

"Are w-we g-g-going to a-appa?" Taeji asked.

"No bubs, appa have to go alone..." Jimin responded. Both of the twins pouted, their bottom lip quivered as tears clouded their beady eyes.

"Awe babies, come here." Taemin said, and the twins carefully got doen from their chairs and hugged their appa.

"I promise we'll have lots of fun before I leave."

"Promise?" They both asked.



Taemin did kept their promise. The family had fun by going to the park, the carnival, getting ice cream, and had a little bonfire in their own home.

Jimin and the twins were both outside in their pajamas, watching as Taemin out his luggage in the back trunk.

"I'll be going now, my babies. See you in three weeks." Taemin hugged his family and kissed Jimin before going inside the car and drive off.

"I miss him, alweady..." Jiyoon said in his baby voice. Jimin chuckled and carried the twins both inside.

"Wanna sleep with mama, babies?" Jimin asked the two as they ascend to his room. They both nodded.

Jimin set them down the king-size bed. Good thing, it was big enough for the three of them. The twins went under the covers as well as Jimin. They snuggled each other as they fell in a deep abyss.



Jimin's eyes were shot open when he heard that, and the ground was shaking. The air felt thick, and he coughed severely, and so does the twins. He grabbed both of them and shot out of the room. He was about to go downstairs, but the whole first floor was on fire.

He looked around and remembered a fire exit on the other side. His grip on the twins was tight because he didn't want to drop them.

He made it.





Don't lose them.



Good thing he was far. He saw the whole house was in flames. Everything was gone.

The twins were sobbing hysterically.

"M-My babies, are you alright?!" They both nodded and clung onto Jimin tighter.

Then his mark was burning... This was a different type of burning. Not the rejecting kind. He dropped both of the twins on the grass as he screamed loudly, holding onto his neck. His ears were ringing, his head was eerie, and his visioning darkening.

He fell onto the ground and let his whole body burn, and the last thing he was the twins trying to wake him up.

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