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Jimin heard footsteps nearing his bedroom. He forgot that he left the door open because he's still afraid. So he pretended to be asleep.

Yoongi neared the bedroom and noticed the door was open, and the scent of the familiar omega came to him. He stood at the doorway, seeing Jimin fast asleep. To Yoongi, he looked the same except for his hair, and his hair is black. Yoongi didn't think twice when he neared to the bed and laid beside the omega.

Jimin shot wide awake but didn't moved. His back was facing away from Yoongi and good thing he did. He felt arms wrapped around his waist and a pair of lips against his neck.

"I'm sorry this happened, Jimin... No one should go through this alone. I may be a jerk back then, but I promise that I changed. Sorry for your loss..." Yoongi mumbled into his neck, "He's my best friend too. I was supposed to meet him up at Busan, but he never called me back..."

Jimin stayed silent and felt Yoongi tremble under his touch. He was too much of a coward to face him. Taemin and Yoongi indeed got along well. Jimin didn't have any problem with it.

"I know this is wrong to do this... I'm sorry that I was a jerk three years ago. I'm sorry..." Yoongi mumbled. Jimin finally turned around.

"It's okay, Yoongi. I forgive you for a long time now..." He said, cuddling into his chest. "I miss him, Yoongi..."

Yoongi's arms wrapped around the omega's waist, scenting him.

"Me too... Have you spoken to the police?" He asked.

"Yes, but can we stop talking about this... Please?" Jimin begged, and Yoongi nodded.

Both of them laid in silence while mixing their scents. Jimin listened to the alpha's heartbeat, going very steady while his heart is jumping. His feelings for Yoongi was still there, and listening to his heart made him think that he doesn't like him back anymore.

Jimin softly sighed, knowing that Yoongi got over him and thought this isn't a good time to consider feeling after his husband just died.

The door opened, revealing Jin, Namjoon, the triplets, and the twins. The twins and triplets were laughing, forgetting their problems.

"You guys are back. Hey Jennie, Jamie, and Jaxson~" Y/n said, patting their heads.

"Hi, Auntie!" The triplets exclaimed.

"Hi, you two~" She said to the twins. They both waved with smiles plastered on their faces.

"How about all of you play, but please be quiet because your Uncle Jimin might be sleeping, and I'll call you when dinner is ready." Jin said. They nodded and rushed upstairs, stumbling to each other, but safely.

"Hey Nala," Y/n focused her attention to her daughter, "Why don't you go join them?"

"I don wanna..." Nala mumbled and paid attention to her mother's phone.

Y/n sighed. Lately, Nala has been way too shy the exact opposite, like her father, Hoseok. Hoseok returned to Y/n's life when Nala just turned three just a few months ago after being wronged by Jiyeon. She faked the whole document saying that Hoseok was the father, but he wasn't.

"I mean, it's her first time seeing her cousins. It's normal to feel shy around them." Y/n said and followed the Namjin couple to the kitchen.

Only an hour has passed, and the twins were tired and hungry, but they wanted to check their mom first. Remembering what uncle Jin said where the bedroom is, they walked to the end of the corridor. The door was opened, and the twins smelled another alpha, Jiyoon growled, and Taeji wasn't affected by it. Their ranks only shown when they are 13 years of age, but they can show early signs.

"Mama!" Jiyoon yelled and ran to his side, pulling Jimin out, but making him fall out of the bed.

"What the?!" Jimin exclaimed and looked around. He saw Jiyoon baring his baby wolf teeth, growling at Yoongi, who was just confused as him.

"Stay away from mama and Taeji!" He exclaimed, pulling Taeji near him.

"Jiyoon..." Jimin whined quietly and gently pushed Jiyoon out of the way. "It's fine, Jiyoon. He's just comforting me." Jimin explained, but Jiyoon didn't care.

"No! I don't like him already! It should be only me, you, Taeji, and appa!" Tears were visible on big brown eyes. Jimin smiled sadly and wiped his tears away while Taeji hugged his big brother.

"Sorry I'll be downstairs." Yoongi suddenly said. He left before someone could say anything. He lightly smiled, figuring that Jiyoon was right there instead of pictures. His baby was going to be an Alpha in the future.

"Sweetie, he's a nice man, and he's a friend of mama before you guys were born." Jimin explained. Jiyoon wiped his tears, he can be a sensitive baby at times, but usually hid them.

"Sorry, mama..."

"Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to Yoongi."


"Okay, you two. Go downstairs since I smell food." Jiyoon only nodded and ran towards the kitchen. Jimin smiled but faulted when he saw Taeji's little fingers gripping his shirt.

"Taeji... You don't want food?" Taeji nodded but stood still.

"Then go downstairs, baby." Jimin ordered, but he didn't budge one bit.

"Taeji what-"

"I want mama's milk..." He answered, pulling the shirt down slightly.

"This shit again..."

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