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Jimim woke up unsure what day it is, but his head was not making any process. He groaned as he slowly sat up from the bed.

All he could remember is that female omega had a gun to his head and him knocking her out only to have the gunshot grazed through his head and... Yoongi...

Panic rose when he thought about Yoongi, but it only made his head hurt more. But he didn't care; he wanted to make sure that Yoongis alright.

He hurriedly sat up, ignored the pain in the head, and racing somewhere to find Yoongi's room number.

"Jimin? Sweetie, you can't be up right now!" One of the nurses exclaimed and tried to calm Jimin down, but he pushed her away and sniffed, trying to find Yoongi's scent.

"Jimin?" Jimin turned to his favorite doctor that he hadn't see for a long time.

"Dr. Jung!" He limped towards him. Hoseok rushed to him in case he fell and cause his injury to worsen.

"I-I'm trying to f-fine Y-Yoongi! W-Where is he?! I couldn't find his scent!" Jimin stammered as tears fall out of his eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey. The hospital blocks scents Jimin. It's the law here. Come on, let's return to your room, and I can tell you about Yoongi's condition after I check on you, okay?" Jimin took a while but he nodded. Hoseok puts Jimin's arm around his shoulder and his arm on Jimin's waist. He helped him go back to his room.

Once they reached the room, Hoseok put Jimin back to the bed and put all the IV's again in Jimin's arm so he can do the checkup.

"H-How long have I been out?" Jimin asked.

Hoseok checks the clipboard, "approximately two days. Your family has already visited. I can give them a call to let them know that you're awake."

Jimin nodded but winced at his head injury, "Yes, please..." Hoseok took his leave after putting all the IV's in. Jimin touched every one of his IV since he was bored and alone.

"I want my babies..." Jimin mumbled sadly. Then Hoseok comes in.

"Jimin. Your family will come immediately. Now to check on you." He said and went closer to Jimin.

"D-Dr. Jung... My heat..."

"Oh, it's okay, Jimin. We took out the illegal substance in your body, and I understood that your heat will be irregular for now. So it won't be another two months." Jimin nodded at the information as he relaxes his whole body since it was aching.

"Okay, everything seems to be stable, and I'll be right back with new bandages and some pills to get that pain in your away." Hoseok left before Jimin could say anything about Yoongi. He was still worried about him and wanted to check upon him. He'll have to ask when he gets back.

"Mama!" The door opened, and Jimin saw his twins, Namjoon, Jin, and the triplets.

"Hi baby~" Jimin sat up slowly, wincing at the pain shot through his head.

"M-Mama... We miss-s you..." Taeji pouted. The twins were trying to climb on the hospital bed but stopped by their uncle Namjoon.

"Hey, hey, no. Don't do that, please respect your mother's space." He said. The twins quickly obeyed and stood next to their Uncle respectfully.

"Oh my, how you do that?" Jimin asked, impressed at the scene.

Namjoon chuckled, "Just show some little authority. You'll get theses rug rats to behave."

"I've been trying to do that for the past two years... They were as easy as babies." Jimin admitted.

"Twins can be tricky, Jimin. But try triplets... This is why we can't have any more kids." Jin said. The thought of not having more kids made Namjoon a little upset, but he has to respect his mate.

"But, we want another sibling!" Jaxson whined and the two others as well.

"No. If your mother doesn't want another, we don't make another." Namjoon sternly said, making the triplets shut up, not wanting to disrespect their father.

"Namjoon... How is Yoongi? Is he here?" Jimin asked.

"He's here, Jimin. He's also fine, and we just don't know when he'll wake up."

"Oh... Am I allowed to see him?"

"We'll ask the doctor."

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