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The trio talked about what happened under 24 hours. It was hard for Jimin to speak because he was still afraid of his brother getting mad, and it made Namjoon upset, but he understood.

"Forgive me, Minnie. I shouldn't overreact like that and made my alpha took over." Namjoon said with guilt plastered into his voice. Jimin grabbed his hand and rubbed it soothingly.

"It's ok, Joonie Hyung. You were protecting me..." Namjoon half-smiled. He was hesitant if he should hug his brother or not. Jimin saw and pushed himself against his brother, hugging him. Jin cooed at sight and decided to join in the hug since he felt jealous and irritated. But that's okay. This is the only family he chose since his family didn't accept for who he was.

"C-Can I breathe now?" Jimin breathed out. The Namjin couple said no and hugged him even tighter. Jimin whined and let himself be a limp noodle and let his brother and mate, crush him to death.


"Okay, Namjoon. He needs to take these pills at least once a week, and he'll only feel a pinch just for a few minutes, and that's all. If you ran out call me, and I'll send the details to the pharmacist, and they'll get the pills ready." Dr. Jung said. Namjoon nodded and took the pills from his hand and examine it.

"Aren't there any side effects?" Namjoon asked when he didn't see any warnings of side effects.

"Ah, yes, with these pills. He'll have nausea, headaches, dizziness, since he wasn't supposed to have his heat until he's 18, but he's mated already, his heat cycle will go wonky, and also, if he's pregnant, don't take them further notice cause it will cause problems to the fetus." He said.

"Alright. Thank you, Hoseok."

"No problem. Anything for a friend. Take care." Namjoon pats his back and left the clinic. He saw his mate at the front desk, signing something. Then he saw Jimin observing the children in the playroom. He smiled and made his way towards his baby brother. Jimin snapped back when Namjoon sat next to him.

"Okay. Dr. Jung said, take these at least once a week. You'll only feel a pinch if you're dumbass mate have sex with another." Jimin nodded and took the bag from Namjoon's hand and looked inside. He squealed when he saw something blue. His hand grabbed the source and pulled it out.

 His hand grabbed the source and pulled it out

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It was a knitted blue teddy bear. He clutched the bear tightly to his chest. Namjoon watches his brother. He's so innocent and cute, and only one night can ruin him.

"I'm back. Shall we go? Oh, cute little bear~" Jin cooed and ruffled Jimin's hair. Namjoon nodded and got from the seat along with Jimin.

"What did he say, Joon?" They were all in the car, Namjoon driving even though it scares Jimin and Jin, but they have to keep calm. Jin was in the passenger seat, and Jimin was in the backseat, playing with his bear.

"He said that Jimin needs to take the pills at least once a week. The side effects are nausea, headaches, dizziness, and his heat cycle will go wonky."

"Heat cycle? He wasn't supposed to have that since he wasn't 18. Why?"

"Since he's mated. His heat will come early than usual than others. So we have to keep him home when his heat comes."

"But his heat will affect mine since I'm not related to him. Where will I go?"

Namjoon sighed and grabbed Jin's hand. "I'll have Hoseok and Y/n watch you. Sounds good?" Jin nodded. Namjoon pecked his mate's cheek when they are on the red light. Jimin pouted from the backseat. He wanted the love from Yoongi. He wanted what they do with Yoongi.

"I can smell your bitterness, Jimin. It's okay to feel that, but someday you'll have what we have." Jin said, looking back. Jimin smiled a little, and Jin turned his head back in front.

"I'll try to win Yoongi Hyung over!" He thought.

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