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Namjoon and Jin came as soon as the two alpha's were glaring at eachother. The couple were beyond confused.

"What happened?" Jin asked as he pits the food on the kitchen counter with Namjoon following behind him.

"I'll answer that." Y/n said, emerging carefully downstairs and glared at the two alpha's. "You two, explain why you guys are fighting in Jimin's room."

Namjoon and Jin perked up when they heard the word fight. Jin just had a glare while Namjoon kept flickering red at the two alpha's. It made Taemin and Taehyung scared even though they're the same rank.

Taemin cleared his throat, "Jimin texted me to come over because he was feeling lonely like a good friend I am. I bought snacks, and we watched a movie together. Nothing happened." Taehyung scoffed and glared at him.

"Yeah, right. You were fucking him, prick." Taehyung add-in.

"Wait. What?!" Namjoon yelled out. "Kim Jimin!" He ran upstairs to Jimin's room. Jin followed behind, getting a syringe from the cabinet and filled it up with liquid.

Jimin perked up when his name was shouted and knowing immediately that it was his brother's voice. He whimpered when Namjoon came in full authority.

"Joonie! I'm sorry that I did something bad, please don't punish me anymore!" He got on his knees, which Namjoon was surprised at his act. His eyes softened when he saw that, it hurts how much he hurt his little pup. He hugged the pregnant omega and released his brotherly scent to calm Jimin down. He heard a sigh of relief from the omega and small arms hugging his back.

Jin walked in, holding the syringe behind his back, but his eyes soften when he saw the scene in front of him. He sets the needle on the table next to him and joined in the hug. Namjoon, being the most significant alpha, took the omega in his arms and kissed both of their heads.

"Awee, you big softie." Jin cooed, making Namjoon blushed, but the right kind of blush. Jimin giggled and snuggled further.

Y/n, Taemin, and Taehyung watched from the doorway. They smiled at the little family but feeling guilty since they put Jimin in trouble. Y/n didn't want to end the moment, but she has too because, with all her beta rank, she overpowered the alpha's. She cleared her throat, making Namjoon's head popped out first, and his face replaced with a stern look.

"These two would like to apologize. Go on, boys." She pushed the two alpha's stumbling in. They straightened and faced the intimating alpha.

"We're sorry." They both said.

"We didn't intentionally didn't mean everything for Jimin to get in trouble. Please put the blame on us."

Namjoon nodded and sighed.

"It's fine, and I'm sure Jimin forgive you already, right, Jimin?" He said and turned to face the omega. Jimin nodded and smiled. Then Namjoon turned back.

"Here's what's going to happen. Taemin, don't come into this house for one month. Taehyung, you too, but Jeongguk can visit Jimin. If you guys are all going to hang out, then I'll assign someone to watch over you all. No, they won't hear your guy's conversation and-"

"Joon," Jin cut of Namjoon. "Do you think that's too much?"


"Having someone watching them while they're having fun?"

"I don't care."

"But I fucking do. I'm also responsible for Jimin's well being, and you already said enough. Alright, my turn." He said, cracking his neck and joints.

"We'll change the hanging out part. You guys can hang out, and no one will be watching you guys, but I want all of you home by 8. Got it?" Jin sternly asked, glaring at the two. They gulped but otherwise nodded.

"Okay. Good, now get out of here. It's almost night time, and I want you guys home and not here for another month." Jin said while picking up the syringe and walked out of the room.

"You heard the pregnant omega. Go." The Alpha's nodded and bowed. They waved Jimin goodbye and left the house.

"Jimin, sometimes you make me feel old." Namjoon said, taking a seat next to Jimin on the bed. "I'm already going to be an uncle and already going to be a father. Time flies, right?"

Jimin nodded, "What happens when the babies come?" He asked.

Namjoon clicked his tongue and looked in front of him, seeing Y/n standing there. He gave her signal to go, and she obeyed.

"Jin and I will be busy with our babies. You're going to be busy with your baby, Jimin."

Jimin tilted his head, "Babies?"

"Mhm. We're having triplets." Namjoon smiled but quickly went to a straight face of the thought of triplets.

"Oh my... So much! That's why Jin Hyung is bigger than me..."

"Shh, don't say that in front of him." They both laughed.

"I just wish there's someone who will love me despite me being a mommy... Will they understand?" Jimin's brown glossy orbes looked straight at Namjoon's.

"Don't worry, baby. I know someone will love you, and they need to understand that you're a mommy and of they don't. They're not good for you. I just want you to find someone who will treat you the way you wanted to be treated, unlike that stupid alpha, Min Yoongi."

"Yeah... He's stupid..." He smiled a little.

"But I still love him..." He thought to himself.


Alright, who's school is canceled?

I told my mom never go shopping without me because I will fight everyone who's stealing toliet paper.

Honestly, what's the whole point of the toliet paper?

COVID-19 doesn't (Rarely) give you bad shits (Diarrhea).

Now I can't be a stripper since boomers will spend their money on groceries.

I saw this dude who have 10 boxed of eggs in his cart and I was ready to fight like bro... Someone will need those eggs.

But eh, more sleep.

But nope.

Wash your hands!

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