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Jimin pov

School went by smoothly even when Taehyung and Jeongguk were at each other's faces the entire lunch. It wasn't comforting when you're over here third-wheeling.

I pouted when the couple didn't pay attention to me. The feeling of being alone is real. I cleared my throat catching the attention between the two. Finally!

"Pay attention to mee!~" I whined while giving them a cute pout.

"Sorry, Minnie." They both said, and I smiled at them. We all ate in peace until that was interrupted when there clamoration in the cafeteria. We all looked, and Yoongi was entering with two girls in one of his arms. My heart squeezed at the sight, and I don't know why. I looked down at my food and began to eat, not wanting to look anymore.

"Fucking Min Yoongi." I heard Taehyung said. I looked up and saw him with pure disgust plastered in his face.

"Don't you live with him, Tae?" Jeongguk asked as he looked where Yoongi was.


"Why does he have two girls on him?" I asked with pure purity. They both looked at me.

"W-Well... Um... Gukie?" Taehyung looked Jeongguk pleading for help, but Jeongguk didn't pat attention and drank his banana milk ignoring their gazes in him. Maybe they don't want to talk about? I changed the topic.

"Taehyung, did my brother tell you that I'm staying with you?" I asked. Jeongguk suddenly landed his gaze on us with a look of dramatic betrayal.

"Excuse me, what?" Jeongguk asked and put his banana milk down and looked at Taehyung.

"My brother Namjoon said that I have to stay with Taehyung because of something that he won't tell me." I said, playing with a piece of broccoli.

"Yeah, he called me this morning. Baby, nothing is going to happen," Taehyung said to his boyfriend. He pulled down Jeongguk's shirt collar exposing two red dots. Then he whispered something into Jeongguk's ear that I couldn't hear. But all I know that Jeongguk blushed furiously.

"Jimin," Taehyung said, looking at me. "Your brother already will drop off your things at my house, but please bear with me that you'll be staying with Yoongi. I'll protect you." He said. I smiled and nodded and continued to eat my food without noticing two eyes were staring right at me.


"Alright, please complete your homework over the weekend and have a great four day weekend." The English teacher said as we pack up our stuff. I'm glad that we have a four day weekend, meaning I could sleep in and stay up as much I want without Namjoon nagging at me. I walked out of class and went to my last class.

People are already with their groups. I looked around and didn't see mine. I sighed and put my bag down on one of the tables. I grabbed my phone and a pair of headphones to turn on my music. I kept skipping on some because Jeongguk hacked my phone and put his songs onto my playlist. I ran out of skips, and the song was called, "Dirty Mind" By Boy Epic. Dang, I know this song word per word...

I felt a presence near me. I looked up and saw Yoongi smirking down on me. I felt small under his gaze. He sat down and took one of my earbuds. I tried to take it back since I don't want him to listen to what I'm listening to. He may get the wrong idea! He pushed me back and put in the earbud into his ear, and the worst came.

Yes or yes?
Do you want it in?
You wanna be stressed, I'd rather have s××
You and I and my dirty mind
We can stay high or no?

I didn't look at him instead, his hand made their onto my chin and made my face towards him.

"Little Naive Omega... I didn't know you were this freaky." Yoongi said. His natural brown eyes are slowly turning red.

"Omega." The alpha demanded. My omega side slowly came into their way, making my eyes turn purple.

"Alpha." I said with a small voice. The alpha smirked and went closer to me. I can feel his breath on my ear.

"Omega, accompany during my rut on the Saturday." He whispered. I felt my head slowly nodded at his words. "Use your words, omega." He demanded.

"Yes, alpha." I said. He pulled back and smirked at me. Now his eyes turn back to normal and faced the front of the classroom. I shook my head, slowly regaining my consciousness. I blushed and faced the front too. What did I get myself into?

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