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Jimin, Taemin, Taehyung, and Jeongguk had a fun time at the mall. Currently, they're in the food court with a handful of bags. Once and a while, Jimin would look at the baby store when the others were not looking. He had enough money to buy a few baby items, but he's scared because he hadn't told them that he's pregnant.

"We'll be right back." Jeongguk said, pulling Taehyung with him, leaving Taemin and Jimin behind. Jimin pouted when the couple split.

"Don't worry. They'll be back, pup." Taemin said, making Jimim blush. He once look back again at the baby store. Taemin followed his gaze at the store, and he died a little inside.

"Want to look inside?" Taemin suddenly asked, scaring Jimin in his seat. He chuckled and apologized to the younger.

"W-What do you mean?" Jimin stuttered out, picking up his food.

"I've been noticing that you kept looking at the baby store. It's cute, so I asked if you want to look inside?" He explained.

"C-Can we?"

"Yeah, Jimin, it's ok. I see a lot of our school mates go here, but not because they're pregnant. They just want to look at the cute things. Shall we go?" Taemin asked. Jimin nodded and texted the Taegguk couple that they'd be at the baby store across the court. They replied with an 'ok and brought our stuff. We'll be there in 2 min.'

"Okay, let's go!" Jimin exclaimed, grabbing half of the light stuff while Taemin grabbed half of the heavy stuff. Both males have made it to the baby store, and Jimin's stomach made a million flips as he strolled around the baby clothes, shoes, bibs, pacifier, etc.

His heartfelt giddy, knowing his baby will be here soon. He imagine holding the little baby in his arms and doing his baby talk. But bot knowing, his sweet scent was spreading around.

"Um, sweetie. Your pregnancy scent is showing." Jimin snapped out of his thoughts when an old lady worker was in front of him.

"Oh-Oh, sorry..." Jimin blushed in embarrassment.

The old lady chuckled, "It's fine, sweetie. It happens to everyone here. First time?" She asked.

Jimin nodded, "Y-Yeah..."

"Cute! Is that your mate over there by the shoe aisle?" She pointed out, making Jimin look behind, seeing Taemin uwu'ing over the tiny shoes.

"No. He's my friend." He said.

"Oh well, you both seemed cute. Where's your mate?" She asked.

"We don't talk about that..." He whispered, playing with his fingers.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie... I didn't know." She said with guilt written on her face.

"It's fine. I must carried onto my shopping. Thank you for your concern for me." Jimin bowed and left the old lady to do her work and walked towards Taemin.

"Who fucking knew they can get tiny feet!" Taemin cooed as he looked at the tiny timberlands. Then someone snatched them away from his palm.

"Taehyung, buy this!" Jeongguk exclaimed. Jimin giggled at the two and laughed even louder when Taemin pouted.

"Jiminnnnnnn, he stole the tiny feet!" Taemin fake cried and went to hug Jimin. The older inhaled his scent making him tense. Jimin felt this and tried to pull back, but Taemin hugged him tighter.

"Jimin," Taemin mumbled. "Why is your scent so sweet?"

"Um... Taemin... Let go. Everyone is watching." Jimin mumbled back as he puts his hands on Taemin's back, attempting to push him back.

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