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"Get him into surgery now!'

"He's losing to much blood, get Dr. Wang!"

"Anesthesia, please!"

"Breathing mask!"

"Heart rate dropping low. Stand by for padding!"

"1, 2, 3, clear!"

"Not responding!"

"Again! 1, 2, 3 clear!"

"Patient one needs help! He's going into shock!"

"Patient two not responding! Again. 1, 2, 3, clear!"

"Get Dr. Song with patient one. He's going to surgery."


Jeongguk woke up. It's been days since he stayed at the hospital and already has his baby girl. They were supposed to leave, but overhearing the nurses and panic along the hallway. His best friend and Yoongi were both shot. He knew he wants to stay here and wait for the news for the two of them.

Taehyung dressed his newborn baby girl into a little Winnie the pooh theme. He granted his mate wish when he wanted to stay for their best friend. He, too, was scared and worried. He knew he had to contact Namjoon and Y/n.

No sign of any of the nurses came out of those two very doors, but Namjoon and Y/n came with their families.

"Any news?!" Y/n asked desperately. Taehyung looked at the family and Jimin's babies, who had an innocent face. Then he shook his head, making the family more worried.

"Where's mama, grandma?" Jiyoon asked Y/n.

"He's... Resting hun. Just relax with your brother, please." She said. Jiyoon nodded and went back to his brother.

"How long were they both in surgery, Jeongguk?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't know. I got here a few minutes ago. I was supposed to leave, but I want to hear the news..." Jeongguk responded. The family was in distress, and thank god they covered the smell since their distress scent was covering the whole hospital lobby.

"Are you related perhaps to Lee Jimin and/or Min Yoongi." The family turned them to a police officer holding a child.

"Oh my, Aera!" Y/n ran over to them and grabbed Aera from the officer.

"Gwama..." Aera mumbled and buried her head into her shoulder.

"We're somewhat related. Lee Jimin is my brother. Min Yoongi is her son. Any news of what happened?" Namjoon asked.

"Well, your brother's captor is named Park Jihye. She'll be in prison for a long time and far away from you guys."

"Family of Lee Jimin?" The nurse came out with blood plastered on her shirt. Namjoon raced up to her.

"He's stable. The gunshot wound grazed the head, but he did immensely lost a lot of blood, and we don't know when he'll wake up. It could be a few hours or so, but it can take a few days." The nurse explained.

"H-How about my son... M-Min Yoongi?" Y/n shakily asked.

"The wound was almost to the heart, which is hard for us to do the procedure, but we did it, and we also don't know when he'll wake up. You guys can visit but two at a time, please." The nurse walked off in another direction.

"Namjoon, you can visit Jimin. I'll watch the triplets." Jin said, padding his mates back. Namjoon nodded and didn't hesitate to go to Jimin's room as Y/n did the same for her son as she carried Aera with her.

"I'll go with Namjoon. Taehyung, please watch her." Taehyung nodded to his mate's request as he held his newborn daughter into his arms, humming a soothing lullaby. Jeongguk smiled at the scene and followed Namjoon to the room.

Jimin layed there almost like he's dead with tubes attached to his arms and a bandage around his beautiful head. Jeongguk saw Namjoon sitting in front of him, holding onto his hand for dear life. He sat next to him did the same thing, hearing his friend's heartbeat on the monitor.

"I just got him back, and he almost died twice... Maybe even three times. The first is that he deals with pain from Yoongi. The second time is the explosion and his mate dying, and now this. How could he not be traumatized for all of this?" Namjoon said to Jeongguk. He didn't face him when he spoke. He didn't want to show his weak side.

"Maybe he hid it well, Hyung. Sometimes we hide all our traumas and pretend to fine so that we couldn't worry about others, but it's hard." Jeongguk explained and gently hugged Namjoon. If Taehyung sees this, then he'll immediately flip out, but now it's not the time.

"I just want to be happy. Happy with his and our family. I can't believe I almost took that away from him..."

"I know, Hyung. I know you couldn't face the fact that's he's going to grow up no matter what. You can't baby him anymore."

"I know. I just can't help it... He's my baby brother after my parents lost their 2nd child..."

"What do you mean? I thought it was just the two of you."

"It was me, our 2nd brother, and Jimin. But he died way before Jimin was born."

"Oh I'm sorry... Will you tell him that he has another brother even though he died?"

"Yes, someday, but not right now. He has too much on his plate."

"Okay..." That's all Jeongguk said as he gave Namjoon one last hug and pecked Jimin's hand before heading out to his little family.

"How is he?" Jin asked.

"Jimin is fine. He's resting peacefully. You should go with Namjoon before he breaks down because he's about to lose it..." Jin nodded and went inside Jimin's room.

"Uncle Kookie! Want to see your baby!" Jiyoon said along with Nala holding Taeji's hand. Jeongguk chuckled, grabbing the baby from Taehyung's arms, which he growled, but Jeongguk showed dominance, and Taehyung backed down.

"Here is baby Kim Lisa." Jeongguk whispered and bent down to their levels showing his baby girl in hoping to distract of what's happening.

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