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School came early, and Jimin was said because he couldn't see his friends. Taehyung wasn't kidding when he kidnapped Jeongguk and ran away because of his brother. But he couldn't blame them since his brother is scary.

Jimin went up to his locker and grabbed his books for his class. He felt a presence near, so he closed his locker and was met by an alpha. Alpha Taemin.

"Oh, Taemin? What do you need?" Jimin asked the alpha.

"Hey, Jimin... Um... Wo-Would you like to hang out sometime?" He stuttered out.

"Um... Sure, when?" Jimin asked.

"Maybe after school? Is that fine?" Jimin nodded, which made Taemin smile.

"Cool. See you soon, Minnie. Oh, by the way, you look nice." Taemin said and left him alone. Jimin blushed and looked down. He was wearing a puffy blue sweater that showed his collarbone with black jeans and a pair of vans. Earlier, Jin covered Jimin's mark, and it honestly blends well with his skin.

The bell rang, and everyone made them to class, and so does Jimin. He looked around for his class when he felt a stinging pain on his heart. He ignored the pain knowing his mate is either kissing or having... Sex? With another mate. He struggled his way but managed to get into his first class. The stinging pain was gone, and Jimin was relieved.


It was lunch time, and Jimin was sitting by himself. He has no way to contact his friends since his phone was smashed and broken. Namjoon promised to go to the phone store today to get him a new, and he better be! Jimin stabbed his salad, feeling so bored.

"Jimin?" Jimin's head shot up, and his eyes met Taemin, so he smiled.

"Hey, Taemin!" He chirped, feeling happy with the alpha's presence.

"Why you here alone? Where are your friends?"

"Well, Taehyung kidnapped Jeongguk, so I don't know when they're going to be back because Taehyung was afraid of my brother."

"Why was he afraid of your brother?"

"Because my brother is pretty intimating, and also, I mated with someone, so my brother is mad at Taehyung."

"Wait... You're mated?!" He whispered, yelled.

"Y-Yeah... Is that a problem?" Jimin asked, and his eyes were full of tears waiting for them to come out.

"N-No! Just shocking to me... I thought you'd be single... Where is your mate then? Isn't he supposed to be with you?" He said as he looked around.

"My mate is somewhere... I don't know if he cares about me, but I care about him!" Jimin exclaimed.


Taemin was cut off when a familiar scent the same in the cafeteria. Yoongi came in with his bitches behind. Taemin scoffed and turned to Jimin, but Jimin was too busy gleaming eyes at the alpha.

"Jimin?" But Jimin didn't pay attention to Taemin, instead, he ran towards Yoongi, hugging him, which made him caught off guard.

"Yoongi Hyung!" Jimin exclaimed and hugged the alpha tighter. The ladies in the back growled at the unwanted omega, but Jimin didn't pay attention.

Yoongi tried to push the omega off, but Jimin held tighter. Yoongi had enough and pushed Jimin off of him with force. Jimin whined at the impact and rubbed his arm. He looked at Yoongi with tears in his eyes.

"Don't touch me, omega." Yoongi said with no expression on his face. Jimin whimpered when Yoongi used his alpha voice.

"Matter of fact." Yoongi took one of the Omega's drink and poured the liquid all over him. The two girls from behind snickered and decided to join in the fun. They both grabbed the spaghetti lunch and launched it over to Jimin. He tried to protect himself, but it was no use. He heard laughter around him and two pairs of arms lifting him from the ground. Taemin carried him because he can recognize the apple spice scent from him. Jimin looked around and saw people with their phones out recording the entire thing. Some even giving him a sad look.

Jimin buried his face into Taemin's chest as he let the tears fall silently. They entered an empty room, and Taemin sat Jimin down on one of the desks.

"Jimin..." Taemin said softly.

"C-Can I use your phone, p-please?" Jimin stuttered. Taemin nodded and fished out his phone from his pocket and handed it over to Jimin.

Jimin took it and dialed his brother's phone number. His brother picked it up by the third ring.


"N-Namjoonie Hyung..."


"Please pick m-me up, please..."

"But what's going on? Why are you crying?"

"J-Just picks me up, and I'll tell you... Ion wanna be here..."

"Alright, Minnie. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"O-Ok bye... Love you."

"Love you too. See you soon."

Jimin hanged up and gave Taemin his phone. Taemin took it and cradled Jimin into his arms.

"Why you hugged, Yoongi? Is he your mate?" Taemin asked. Jimin stayed silent, but he nodded his head slowly. Taemin growled a little. The unfortunate thing was humiliated in front of the whole school by his mate. The one who was supposed to love and protect.

"Why would anyone hurt you?" Taemin mumbled.

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