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"Wait, what's pregnant?" Jimin asked.

"Oh? You really don't know. You guys don't teach him or something?" Y/n said, looking at with concern.

"Namjoon wanted him to stay innocent until he's 18, but that shit won't happen," Jin replied, looking at Namjoon on the floor.

"Okay, I'll explain it to him, I guess. So Jimin, basically pregnant, is you have a baby inside your tummy. You and Jin are both at the 1st trimester meaning your baby is a size of a bean. In a few weeks, your baby will transform." Y/n said. Jimin nodded, only understanding half of what she said. All he needs to know that he has a baby in his tumtum. "So, I need one of you to lay on the bed with your shirt up." She said, getting all the gear running.

"Jimin, you go first. It won't hurt, I promise you. I'll wake up your brother." Jin said, he bent down and began lightly slapping the unconscious boy.

"Ok Jimin. Lay down and live your shirt up." Jimin obeyed, slightly trembling since he's scared. "Jimin, there's nothing to worry about. This is going to be cold, so bear with me." Jimin nodded. Y/n squeezed the cooling gel onto Jimin's exposed soft tummy, making him hissed at the coolness. Then Y/n started to place the wand and moved it around.

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Y/n moved the wand-like thing on my belly, making the gel spread around. It was uncomfortable since the wand thingy was putting pressure on my stomach, and I'm worried about the baby :( She's hurting it.

"S-Stop!" I squeaked out, pushing her hand away.

"What's wrong, Jimin? I was almost done." She questioned, stopping her movements.

"You're h-hurting, baby..." I said softly.

"Oh no, sweetie. That's how it works, and your baby won't feel it. Look, Jimin." She turned the screen around me and pointed at a little bean-like creature.

"What's that?" I questioned, tilting my head.

She chuckled, "That's your little baby, Jimin. Baby is so small~" She cooed. I heard a groan and saw Namjoon got up, running his head.

"Is this a dream?" He grumbled out. When he said that, Y/n put the wand-like thing back on my tummy and turn something on, making the whole room filled with rhythm beats.

"Nope." He fainted again, and I giggled.

"Ah! Stop fainting. You still need to hear ours!" Jin yelled, bending down again.

"What's that?" I asked, stopping my giggles and looked at Y/n.

"That's your baby's heartbeat. It's a strong one and healthy." I smiled. "So, I guess you want pictures of your baby. I can tell by your face." She said with a smile, and I nodded. She wiped off the gel off of my stomach and the wand thing and put my shirt back down. I sat up and got off from the table, seeing Jin slapping lightly at my brother.

"Ugh, he won't get up. Jimin sweetie, go wait in the waiting room, please. Y/n can you be with him?" Jin asked as he pulled Namjoon up on one of the seats. Y/n nodded and gestured me to get out and which I obeyed.

We went to the waiting room and saw no one seating.

"Ah, no patients. That's good." Y/n chuckled. She sat on one of the chairs, and I sat next to her.

"Um..." I fiddled with my fingers while looking down. Y/n must've noticed because she grabbed my hands into hers.

"Something to say, Jimin?" She asked.

"H-How... How will pregnancy works?" I asked, playing with the engagement ring on her finger.

"Well, you are in your first trimester, meaning you have to be careful. Never overwork yourself, or it will lead to future health problems. So rest as much as you can. For the second trimester, your baby will be fully developed, and you can feel them move, and hopefully, we can identify your baby's gender. As for the third trimester, this part, your baby will be prepared for birth. Yes, it's a pain, but it's all worth it at the end." She explained. I paid close attention to every word I nodded. Honestly, I'm somewhat excited to see my baby. Wait... How did I get a baby?

"Um also... How there is a baby inside me?" Y/n choked at her water, making me confused.

She put her water bottle down, "Um... What makes a baby um... Who's your mate, Jimin? Who made that mark?" She asked.

"Min Yoongi." Her eyes widen.

"W-Wait, really?!" She exclaimed. I nodded my head.


"Oh my gosh, Jimin, I'm so sorry..." She apologized. I was beyond confused, so I asked.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Jimin, baby, Yoongi is my son."

What the heck?

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