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"Sorry, this milk factory is closed, sweetie. But you can get it from your uncle; he has more titties than me." Jin responded. Taeji didn't like the answer. His eye color turned to many different colors, which shocked the couple.

"What the- Ow!" Namjoon rubbed his arm, where his husband smacked him.

"Sweetie... How about we try this milk?" Jin asked and took out almond milk, which his kids love and is a substitute for breastmilk. He poured the almond milk into a sippy cup, shook it before giving it to the pup.

Taeji looked at it confusedly. He wanted to cry because it wasn't his mommy's milk or anything.

"Take a sip. Maybe you'll like it." Jim encourage. Taeji looked at once more and took a sip out of it. He smiled and waddled off to his mother.

"Namjoo- Namjoon?"

"Over here!" Jin followed the voice and stood there, his husband in front of the mirror holding his man boobs.

"What are you doing?" Jin asked, not surprised anymore.

"Looking at my namtitties." Jin smacked his forehead.


"Mama mama m-mama m-mama..." Taeji repeated and repeated. His mother won't wake up, and it's upsetting him. He already woke up his duck brother.

"Jiji... M-Mama won't w-wake up..." Taeji said with a pout.

"Mommy is tired, Tae... Let him get rest..." Jiyoon said. Taeji continued to pout as he lay next to his mother.

"Mama..." Taeji shake him, which worked because Jimin's eyes started to flutter open.

He rubbed his eyes to get the sleepiness out.

"Aish... What do you need, baby?" Jimin asked.

"I want you up!" Taeji exclaimed as he drink his almond milk. Jimin eyes widen, but then again, he won't take any from him because he stopped producing just yesterday.

"I'm up I'm up..." Jimin got up and went to the restroom, which he saw Yoongi standing in front of the door with an annoyed expression.

"Goddamnit, mom! You took so long in there!' Yoongi shouted.

"Sorry, sweetie! I need to make my impression make up before I go to work!"

"Why would you need makeup at the hospital?"

"Just in case if there's any hot doctors or nurses."

"Oh my god..." Yoongi mumbled as he rubbed his face in frustration. Jimin giggled quietly, which Yoongi heard. Both males were in a awkward silence.

"Um... Hi?" Jimin started.

"Yeah, hey... So um about yesterday-"

"No need to explain yourself. It was all a big mistake." Jimin said. Yoongi nodded and waited by the door. The door opened frantically.

"I'm late! So I'll take our clothes and put them in my car. I already planned Nala's outfit, so make she wears those, please. And take her to preschool, please and thank you. I love you baby so much!" She placed kisses on Yoongi's, which made him disgusted.

"Okay, gotta go!" She rushed out, leaving them alone.

"Want to go first or-" Yoongi was cut off when Jiyoon yelled Jimin's name in distress.

Jimin paternal instinct kicked in when they need to be skin to skin each month. His eyes turned bright purple and ran to the room.

"Skin contact... Huh." Yoongi mumbled. He remembered doing skin contact with his mother since he was a baby because pups needed to be scented on and feel the comfort that their mothers will feel protected, but don't they need their mate to complete this? Yoongi cautiously walked to the room and stopped right in front, smelling the lavender scent.

The door opened frantically, revealing a shirtless Jimin and dragged Yoongi inside, locking the door.

"Suga." The omega called out. Yoongi fought his wolf, but he failed.

"Chiminy... Baby, skin contact with pups. Let's go!" Suga grabbed the omega's hand and led him towards the bed. He took off his shirt, and Jiyoon immediately latched on to him, feeling content.

"My pup. He's beautiful." Suga said, caressing the pups black hair.

"Jimin want to hide Jiyoon from you. I say he's wrong. Every child should know the father. Taemin wrong father for Jiyoon. Taemin right father to Taeji."

"Why Jimin hide pup?"

"He's scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared that Yoongi won't accept him."

"I'll force Yoongi to bond with the pup before he die."

"And I force Jimin to accept Yoongi's bond with Jiyoon."


"Suga... Accompany me my heat?"

"Yes. Let's seal bond."

They leaned to each other and kissed to seal what they promised.

"NO!" "NOOOO!"


I swear it gets better

Bear with me

This will probably have like 60+ chapters?



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