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Jimin pov

Has it been days since I got fucking kidnapped? Probably because I see the sun went down for the second time in the row.

I can feel my heat coming too since I get clingy and everything. In no time, Chiminy doesn't have a choice but to do the dirty with another alpha or beta.

The door opened for the first time in two days, but everything was dark, so I couldn't see anything but smell the familiar scent of coconuts. The clacking of heels went closer to me.

"Jimin Jimin Jimin. Your wolf is very stubborn. He won't make your heat happen, but we will." I looked as she holds up a syringe filled with translucent pink. I didn't know what it was, but it honestly scares me.

"This little liquid is what scientists use on omegas to trigger their heat early for breeding. I spend so much money to get my hands on one of these. Now I get to use it on you." I felt that she was getting closer to me, and I hurried back until I hit the wall.

"Poor little omega, trapped. Men!" Then six men came barging through the door and went to stand next to her.

"Hold him down. I don't want to mess up the procedure." She ordered, and I felt them holding my arms and legs down.

"S-Stop! Let go!" I yelled out and squirmed, but I'm weak. I felt her fingers pinching my naked skin. What the hell is she doing? I barely got any fat on me since I had my twins. I looked five months pregnant after I had them, and I worked hard to get my body figure back.

"Dude, you barely got any fat on your skin. I'm jealous. But~ Your ass ain't skinny." My eyes widen as she pulled my pants down along with my boxers, and I heard the alphas whistled. I groaned loudly when she injects the needle in me.

"Now for the grand finale~ Time to pick an alpha for you~" She cheered. She put a hat in front of me and stick her hand in.

"Now who's the lucky alpha~" She cooed and pulled out a small piece of paper and hold it in front of me, "Do the honors, Jimin." One of the alpha's pulled my hair back, making me moan. What THE FUCK?!

"Did this little slut literally moan? Damn, never knew he had a hair-pulling kink." The other men laughed while my face was flushed. I didn't understand what they were saying. What's a kink?

"Well, one of you boys will have fun with of he reads the goddamn card!" She yelled out, "Or might as well have all the alpha's play with you, Jimin. Would you like that?"

"N-No..." I stuttered.

"Then read the name out loud, omega." She sneered. I adjusted my eyes to the paper in front of me, letting the moonlight shine on, making it better for me to read.

"Jiwon..." I knew that name... Jiwon was the security guard from the hospital where I stayed at.

"Congrats Jiwon. His heat will come by in minutes or so. Touch him all you want. Let's go, boys." The other Alpha's took their hands off of my body, but this Jiwon dude kept his hands on me. They left with the door closed and locked.

"Damn when I saw you at the hospital. I just knew I have to have you. Damn baby~" He whispered in my ear. He started to grope me, which I don't know how to respond, but all I wanted is to escape.

"I'm sorry, Jimin..."

I heard my wolf say. I was about to respond, but a familiar hot wave went through my body. My mind was hazy, and everything went black for me as Chiminy took over.

Yoongi's pov

Something felt wrong. I dropped off the twins where Namjoon and Jin were living now. I didn't give them an explanation of where I was going. I drove to that bitch, Jihye's house. She and I had a fling for each other and I accidentally got her pregnant after a few months Jimin left. Of course, I didn't stay with her as I did with Jimin, but I agreed that I'd visit and pay for child support.

I only have my little girl for the weekends, and for the few weeks that Aera was 2. I started to notice faded bruise marks on her arm. With her only limited words is that she fell multiple times.

"Appa..." I looked at the rearview mirror.

"Yes, sugar?" She giggled at the cute nickname I gave her. Every time I called her sugar, she laughed, which makes me happy.

"Whewe we going?" She asked. She also had a hard with her 'r' as well.

"We're going to Mommy's house for a while. I promise it will be quick." I replied.

"Oh... Why?" Aera mumbled, but I heard her quite well.

"Well... I'm going to talk to your mother."


Sorry for the lack of update... ish. My mental state has gone down hill for the past few days.

I may or may not have developed anger issues 👉🏼👈🏼😳

I have parental issues which is no fun when you're stuck in the same room with them. Yes, I have to give up my room for my cousin to live in. She was supposed to go back to her home country buttttttttt no. So she wasted so much money on the plane ticket.

Probably that's it... Idk.

I found out that I have an ⏳ shape figure, but I'm shaped like a 🍎 skskkskskskskskskskksks I laughed too hard in the mirror 😂 Idk what to believe anymore ksksksk

How is all? Uwu

This will probably have 5 more chapters? Maybe... Idk... I planned ahead I fucking sWEAR. Then new books are in list uwu.

I'm tired.

I remembered when I was in the car and there was this commercial about a headache and I said, "I'm going to get a headache later today. I just knew." Then later I took a five minute nap and I woke up with a headache 😂 I WAS LIKE BRUH I WAS FUCKING RIGHT. I'm a psychic. Uwu

My tummy hurts. I ate something way too greasy and my stomach is... EHHHHHHH

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