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When Jimin heard the news of his husband died. He completely lost it. He started hyperventilating, crying, and he lost consciousness. The twins were crying during that. It was a trauma for them to witness their mother breathing hard, screaming, and whatnot.

They placed Jimin back to his room and gave him his medicine by IV. The twins begged to be with their mother, but only if someone was with them. Of course, Officer Carter and Mendes will stay and watch the twins as they wait for Jimin to wake up.

"W-Why mama cried a-a-lot?" Taeji asked one of the officers with his watery beady eyes.

"Awe sweetie... I think your mama will tell you, but he's very sad, hun. How old are you, pup?" Officer carter asked.

"I-I'm 3 years old, and s-s-so is Jiyoon!" He exclaimed. Jiyoon shush him because their mother was sleeping. He apologized and turned his gaze back to the officers.

"How about your daddy? Was he a nice man?" Taeji nodded.

"Yes. Papa is-s a nice pers-son. H-He always take c-care of mama, J-Jiyoon, and me!"

"That's nice, sweetie. Go play with your brother." Taeji nodded and waddled to his brother, and they played legos together.

Officer Mendes took out crime photo evidence from the crash where Taemin died. He observed it carefully.

"Do you think someone planned this?" He whispered. "Cause Lee Taemin's car would never leave damage like that unless someone ran into him. But there were no other cars, but his."

"I believe so... We're going to ask the head detective to see what he found." She responded, and officer Mendes nodded. They both sat in silence as they watch the twins played with their legos.


Jimin slowly woke up, his vision blurred at the white material. He blinked his eyes for a bit, and his sight was restored. He groaned, causing the attention of four people to look at him. His twins gracefully went to Jimin's side and hugged him gently.

"M-Mama!" Taeji explained. Jimin chuckled and hugged his twins tighter than ever.

"We're scared, ma! We thought we lost you forever!" Jiyoon cried out, burying his head against Jimin's chest.

"I'm sorry, baby..." His voice croaked due to him yelling and crying a lot. His eyes peered over to the two cops.

"We'll be leaving Mr. Lee. We wanted to give you time to adjust to yourself before you can come to us. Thank you for your cooperation." Officer Carter said, and both cops bowed to Jimin and left the room.

"M-M-Mama... We maade you an s-s-sword!" Taeji exclaimed and got off from the bed, grabbing a tiny sword making Jimin chuckled. Taeji gave it to him.

"Awee... Babies, thank you so much." He said and hugged them both. Jimin put the tiny sword on the stand next to him because he didn't want to lose it.

"Should we call appa? He must be worried for us, mama." Jiyoon said. Jimin smiled sadly as tears pooled around his orbs, he pulled the twins close to his chest.

"Babies... Let me tell you a story about heaven..."


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