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Jimin P.O.V

My whole body felt numb from the pain. I couldn't open my eyes, but I hear voices with a couple of yelling, but it got quiet. I guess they were done.

I felt my arm being lifted, and someone was pressing onto my vein and stuck a needle. I would've flinched, but I couldn't move.

"...baby." I heard someone mumbled. My baby! Are they alright?

"...blood." I heard them again. What's going on with blood?

I moved my arm and flinched at the pain that was sent through.

"Jimin?" I heard someone. It became more clearer now. I opened my eyes a little, and everything became clearer. Once my vision has been cleared enough, I saw Jin, examining my face.

"Are you okay, Jimin?!" I groaned when he practically yelled into my ear. He apologized, and he grabbed my hand.

"What happened?" I asked. I coughed up because my throat was dry. I gestured towards the cold drink next to the bed, and Jin grabbed it and helped me to drink the bitter liquid.

"Thank you..." My normal voice was back. I sat up slowly, wincing every move because my body was sore. The bed that I was on adjusted that I can lay back down comfortably without no one helping me, which is fine.

"What happened?" I asked again.

"Jimin, you fainted, and we rushed you to the hospital because you were... Bleeding." He responded.

"Where was I bleeding?"

He sighed and took my hands into his, "You were bleeding from your neck because of your mark and second... You were bleeding from your thighs."

"Why would my thighs bleed?"

He sighed again, "Your blood comes from more up... Jimin... You almost lost your baby?"

"Almost lost? Was my baby running away from me?" I looked down on my stomach, scolding at my child.

"No, baby... It means your baby could've died. If we didn't bring you here sooner... Then your baby will be lost forever..." He explained. I honestly not quite sure what he meant because some words sound so foreign to me.

"Look, the doctor told me there would be complications during your pregnancy. So, we decided that you'll be hospitalized at home."

"I don't like hospitals Jin..."

He hugged and pecked my forehead, "I know, sweetie, but we want you both to be safe and healthy." I nodded, burying my head into his chest but pulled back when I realized something.

"Where's Y/n and Yoongi?"

"Y/n is with Yoongi in another room... Jimin just stay away from Yoongi... Even though this is his child, but stay away. He almost hurtled you and the baby..."

"Okay, Jin..."

The door opened, revealing a new doctor, and she was a female. Wasn't Dr. Jung, my doctor?

"Hello, I'm Dr. Lee and for now on. I'm assigned to you. Dr. Jung quite not too long ago along with our front desk clerk, Jiyeon. But that's not important now, so Jimin," She flipped the clipboard and clicked her pen. "I'm sure your brother here explained that you're going to be hospitalized at home. We'll assign you with a personal nurse whose we notice that it will be Y/n because I saw how close you guys were." She said.

"So I'll prescribe you some maternal meds and pain medication that is safe for your baby. Then I'll talk to Y/n if she's willing to hospitalize you at home." Dr. Lee said as she scribbled down my pills and handed over to me.

"Okay, thank you..." I said quietly. She bowed and left the room, leaving me and Jin.

"We're going to have to home school you bub. Namjoon won't like it, but I'm here, and I'll kick his ass."

I giggled.

"How's Joonie?" I asked.

"He's doing okay. He's bipolar with his alpha. Alpha is very possessive between you and me, while Namjoon is also possessive but not that much. He has to take his meds once in a while. So catch me fighting him to stick a pill into his mouth." He responded, chuckling a bit. Then he continued, "He's doing this because he loves us and Jimin, he's strict on you because you're too young and naive."

"I know... But this is my mistake... I'll prove to Joonie that I can take care of the baby! To show him he's wrong!"

Jin looked at me with concern, but it was replaced with a smile.

"Okay, baby..." He said and hugged me. This is the best feeling.


Only a month has passed, and I'm lying on my bed with an I.V in my arm. It hurts, and I have to do this every day, so my baby won't feel any pain ever since Yoongi rejected me. I haven't seen him in a while, and it makes me sad. Mrs. Ju- I mean, Ms. Min told me that he rejected me, and I didn't reject him, saying the bond we have was still there.

Jeongguk and Taehyung have been visiting me frequently to talk gossip, which I love. Most of the time, they will bring Taemin with them, but I couldn't be alone with him in the room because Namjoon wouldn't like it, so Jeongguk and Taehyung have to stay in the place.

Now, Namjoon and Jin are gone along with Y/n because she needs to go home for some stuff and to need to go to the grocery store. For Namjoon and Jin, they are going to a dinner date. Hehe, time rebel.

I texted Taemin to come here because I'm bored and didn't want to invite the Taegguk couple cause I don't want to third wheel.

I waited patiently for Taemin, and I heard knocking from my window. I gestured him that he could come in since my window is open. He climbed in with no problem and sat next to me and dumped a pile of snacks and drinks.

"Eek! We're going to have fun!" I squealed out when I grabbed the big box of goldfish and opened it.

"Yeah. I figured if your pregnant and hungry, so I bought the whole snack aisle. Let's enjoy it." He said. I picked out a movie that was from Namjoon and Jin's room.

Taemin furrowed his eyebrows, "' Fifty Shades of Grey' Are you sure Jimin?" He asked.

I was confused, "Yeah, I'm sure because it looks like a romantic movie!"

"Okay then..."

I pouted a little bit, but none of the less I played the movie. I shifted around to get comfortable, but these I.V were in the way :( Oh well.


Halfway through the movie, Y/n texted that she'll be late but will come back in time before Namjoon and Jin get home. I texted her back with an okay and resumed again to the movie, but we're at a scene where they are starting to get heated and awkward.

My prince parts started to hurt :( I have to tell Taemin.

"Jimin... Your hormones are all over the place..." He said in a deep voice.

"Sorry... But my prince parts hurts..." I said in a little voice.

Then Taemin gently got on top of me.

"Want me to take care of that?" He asked with his red eyes, and my inner omega came out.




"I'll go gentle for you, my omega..."

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