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Jimin pov

After many failed attempts and many beat ups, my body couldn't handle it. I layed their fully in pain. The ropes were replaced with chains, so it makes it harder for me.

I couldn't contact anyone since my wolf isn't responding, which has me worried and terrified. I won't be able to contact my kids and tell Yoongi where I am, but the truth is that I don't know where I am. All I know, I'm stuck in this cold room with only one window that the moonlight shine on.

They took off my blindfold because I already seen the same men I saw in the house before they knocked me out. They were working for a certain female that I could barely recognize. Memories back from High School were foggy because I barely attended there, but I heard that few of the students were pop singers.

I frown knowing I got pregnant too early and couldn't achieve my dream, but I couldn't blame the twins. They were happy miracles for me, the only ones that kept me going. But I always wanted to be a dancer, and I never have the time.

My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened, and one of the guards have food on the tray. He put it down next to me and quickly walked back.

I sniffed the food carefully because you may never. It may be poison or drugs. I pushed the tray away from me and decided not to eat it. I don't trust anything one bit anymore.

This person... This female claimed that she and Yoongi had a child. How come Yoongi never told me about this? I thought we're close buddies or something. I didn't care at this point. All I care about is getting out of here.

Yoongi's pov

"I want mommy..." Jiyoon said as he hugged his brother. Currently, we're in a hospital since Jungkook is having his baby early. V isn't taking it so well. That's why he's sedated in another room while Jungkook gets a c-section.

"Buddy, we're getting mommy soon. You just have to be patient." I said calmly. Jiyoon nodded and put his little head on Taeji's head.

"Appa!" I turned around and saw my precious daughter... with that woman.

"Hi princess, is it my day yet?" She nodded and made grabby hands towards me. I picked her up, and she wrapped her little arms around my neck.

"So Oppa. What are you doing here?" She asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"My friend is giving birth, and would you goddamn leave, please?" She clicked her tongue and left, but before she pecked my lips, which made me want to kill her. Then I smelt something familiar. That wasn't her original scent. It almost smelt like Jimin's.

"What are you hiding, Jihye?" I mumbled.

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