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Jimin was taken back by the sudden request. They just kissed, and now this?

"I-I'm not ready, Yoongi," Jimin turned his whole body towards him, "Please understand... Maybe in the future?"

Yoongi put his hair back, "Of course, baby. I'll wait an eternity for you." Jimin smiled and pecked his lips.

The door opened, and he immediately recognized the scent of his mother, sister, and his own very daughter.

"Hey, guys... Sorry to disturb you four, but they wanted to see you." Y/n whispered as she noticed the twins sleeping figures.

"Appa..." Aera waddled carefully towards as she noticed Jimin, which she's unfamiliar too.

"Come here, doll. This is Jimin, hun," Yoongi said as he sat up and picked up his little munchkin, "Jimin meet Aera."

"Hewo..." Area mumbled quietly. Her fingers were playing with each other, not making eye contact with him.

"Hi, little one~" Jimin cooed and gently lift the little pup's chin, finally making eye contact. Jimin's gaze softens as the little pup. She looks more like Yoongi than that mother he supposedly met, but couldn't see.

"You're so beautiful~" Aera blushed at the compliment and thanked Jimin.

"My mom and my sister literally left... I just wanted to hug them and tell them I missed them, but they're gone. Tsk. Rude. But I get it, and they wanted to leave us alone... As a family." Yoongi said that made Aera look up to him.

"A famiwy?" Aera asked with her deep blue eyes.

"Yes, doll. A family. Did you meet Jimin's twins already?" Aera smiled and nodded happily.

"Good, we can be a complete family." Yoongi hugged his daughter and Jimin tightly. The twins woke up with a sudden homey scent that made then cling onto Jimin.

"Oh, good morning babies~" Jimin cooed and placed the both of them on his lap.

Jiyoon and Taeji yawned, "Good morning, mommy."

"Hey, guys." The twins widen their eyes, but mostly Jiyoon.

"Appa!" He exclaimed and climbed over Aera by accident to hug his father. Jimin pulled Aera onto his lap.

"Careful, Jiyoon!" Yoongi exclaimed as he hold the pup tightly. Jiyoon sheepishly smiled and apologized to everyone, even though he needs to apologize to Aera and Taeji since he ran over them.

"Babys, have you heard from Uncle Taehyung and Jeongguk?" Jimin asked the three.

"Mhm, U-Uncle Taetae a-and k-kookie h-h-have the b-baby!" Taeji responded.

"Oh my! Boy or girl?" Jimin questioned.

"Girl!" They all exclaimed and laughed. Jimin and Yoongi joined in, tickling their little monsters. The joyful laugh makes the parents feel content, knowing everything will be okay.


"Do you think this outfit looks good?" Jimin asked, looking at Yoongi through the mirror. He was wearing tight black slack that shows off his jibooty that we all worships sksksk, a --- I can't even describe shit, reference picture/gif down below

 He was wearing tight black slack that shows off his jibooty that we all worships sksksk, a --- I can't even describe shit, reference picture/gif down below

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"I think you're fucking sexy." Yoongi truthfully said. Jimin blushed and covered his face while giggling. "Don't cover your beautiful face from me, baby." Yoongi threatens playfully as he took Jimin's arms away from his face.

"Yoongii~" Jimin whined. Yoongi chuckled and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Whaat? Can I just keep you here?" Yoongi asked. Jimin rolled eyes and pushed himself off of Yoongi.

"No because we'll be late for my first time working in the company." Jimin said, looking back at Yoongi and left the room.

"He'll be the death of me." Yoongi mumbled happily, following his future lover. Yes, he hadn't asked Jimin to be his boyfriend yet. Hopefully, he'll confess today since he planned something special today for the both of them.

"Guys, you look so cute!" Jimin cooed at the three children. The twins both wore suits, but of course, they have to wear different ties. Jiyoon wore platinum with black swirls on it. Taeji wore the opposite of that, a black-tie with platinum swirls. As for Aera, she wore a platinum suit since she doesn't like dresses that much and a white flower on her short hair.

"Look at my kids. They're swaggy like their father." Yoongi cockliy said and posed while the children does the same thing.

"Alright, alright, alright! Let's go before we're late!" Jimin yelled out, grabbing the twin's hands while Jiyoon holds Aera's hand.


The company was filled with banners and balloons as they greet Jimin in. Jimin saw his brother and his family as well as everyone he knew. The workers gave him a tour around the company and gave him important folders from Taemin.

After they're finished, they showed Jimin where Taemin's old office. It's very modern.

Jimin placed the files down on the desk and sorted them out

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Jimin placed the files down on the desk and sorted them out. He stopped until he sees a letter from Taemin. Curious, he picked it up and opened it up, taking out the paper and reading it.

Dear Jimin,

As you may know. I died, and I'm so sorry about that, but they predicted my death. The fortune teller that everyone in the office was talking about and how their future is very accurate. They told me that I'd die by an explosion on February 23rd. I have to leave that house because the bomb can be anywhere on me, but you and the twins. By the way, how are they? I miss them. I hope they miss me too. I'm sorry if this is so sudden. But everything belongs to you. Even the vacation islands that I brought you with the twins. I hope you can understand... I'm so sorry, my love. But please move one, I don't want to see you get hurt.

Love, Taemin.

P.S: There was a little safe that I want you to open. The code is the twins birthday, and in it, there is that little blue bear when Dr. Jung gave you, and the twins bear when my parents gave them. But if you look deeper, there is a moon necklace with a wolf on it. I bought and engraved it with Y+J, meaning Yoongi and Jimin. The fortune-teller told me that you, too, are destined to be together, so I smiled and bought it. I hope you two work out your problems and whatnot. My mate is with me in heaven, and hopefully, we'll be happy together.

"Oh, Taemin..." Jimin sniffled as he put down the paper.


Almost there.

People have dark mode on meanwhile I still have light mode 👁👄👁 What the fuckery is this?

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