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Y/n explained everything to Jimin. She had Yoongi when she was only 16, and the baby daddy, what she called him, left her pregnant and alone. Thankfully, her family knew the situation between her and that trash can, so they provided everything for her. She said that she felt terrible that she's using her family's money instead of hers, so she looked for a decent job that didn't provide much work. She found a bookstore and applied there. They gave her a job right off the bat since no one wants to work there. Then she met Hoseok, they met, starting talking, and they dated. Hoseok didn't mind that she was pregnant.

"Then how did you become a nurse or something?" Jimin asked.

"Remember, I work at a bookstore. I read so much about human bodies and such. That's why Hoseok was there. He was studying to be a doctor." She replied. "But Jimin, I'm really sorry about Yoongi. We both made a deal. I butt out of his teenage life when he gives me good grades. But I never knew this will happened. I'm really sorry, Jimin."

"I-it's fine. No need to apologize, Mrs. Jung. B-But why Yoongi didn't take Dr. Jung's surname." Jimin asked.

"When they first met, they didn't like each other. More like Yoongi doesn't like him. I never knew the reason. So I let him decide that he can keep the surname."

"It's like you're giving him too much freedom... It's like he's going to live in your life, like right now. I'm 16 and pregnant."

"I-I know... Gosh, I'm such a terrible mother." Jimin hugged her as Y/n's tears went down, damping his shirt a little.

"It's fine, Mrs. Jung." She shook her head as she pulled back.

"No, it's not fine, Jimin. I never want this to happen. Okay, here's what I'm going to do. You and I, we're going to talk to Yoongi, and we'll figure something out, okay?" Jimin nodded his head, making her smile.

"Good child."

"Um... Are you and Dr. Jung planning on having any more pups?" Jimin asked, innocently.

"My gosh Jimin," She mumbled. "Well... Only if Hoseok wants one. Till then, not right about now."

"Oh, okay."

They both waited for 5 minutes until Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok went into the waiting room.

"Um, just want to talk to Jimin and Namjoon." Hoseok said. Namjoon gestured Jimin to go first. His face was intimidating, which made Jimin shiver as he passed him. Both followed him into his office. All of them sat down and started talking.

"So since you're pregnant, Jimin. You know we have to take you off of those pills because it will harm the baby." He said while folding his hands together.

"So what? What will he do? That mark is the reason he's pregnant! If that Yoongi kid-"

"Wait, wait, wait... Wait. You're saying that Yoongi impregnated Jimin. Like the Min Yoongi?" He asked, cutting off Namjoon mid-sentence. He looked at both of them, awaiting their answer.

"Y-Yeah..." Jimin mumbled.

"Wait. How do you know it's Yoongi? You know him or something?" Namjoon questioned. Hoseok sighed while rested his head backward.

"He's my stepson." Hoseok answered.

There was a tensed scent that was coming from Namjoon, making the whole room stink. Jimin covered his nose while almost gagging at the smell. While the two alpha's eyes were red and already growling at each other.

"Your fucking stepson fucked my brother?!" Namjoon yelled with dominance, but Hoseok didn't back down.

"Not my fault he didn't tell me shit about his rut!" He yelled back. Jimin whimpered and tried to open the door, but Namjoon grabbed him by the arm.

"J-Joon!" He yelled.

Hoseok's eyes turn back into a normal color when he saw Namjoon grabbed Jimin. He pressed the emergency button on the bottom of his desk. Then he slowly comes forward towards Namjoon and Jimin.

"Namjoon, put Jimin down." He ordered, but Namjoon didn't listen, but only growled at him.

"Make an appointment for Jimin. We're getting rid of the baby."

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