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Jimin pov

Taeji finally butted out of my chest when I said no to him to take some more. He should've been grown out of it like Jiyoon does.

I sighed and put Taeji down on the bed and covered him with a blanket. I couldn't find any pajamas in the drawer cause it's empty... Obviously. Our clothes exploded and everything in it. I sighed and laid on the bed and put the TV on low volume since Taeji is sleeping.

"Mommy!" I turned to see Jiyoon with a plate in his hands and also saw Yoongi with another plate.

"Shh, Jiyoon. Your brother is asleep." Jiyoon apologized and set the plate down on the nightstand.

"We brought food, as you requested." Yoongi said. I nodded and took the plate from him and the fork and started to eat my meal.

"I'll find my brudder!" Jiyoon exclaimed and brought the plate over to Taeji was still asleep.

"Sweetie, he's napping."

"Not anymore." Taeji said and ate the food in front of him. Good thing, those are only plastic forks. I sighed and shook my head at my kids weirdness. I don't understand, but I guess they took it after their father.

"You know, my mother wants to see you after all these years..." Yoongi said and I nodded.

"I know... I heard her downstairs. Um, when I'm finished with my meal, can you watch the twins for me?" I asked, and he nodded, taking a seat on the armchair that was in the corner. I smiled and watched my kids, playing, since Taeji was done with his food earlier. Damn, he's a fast eater, but I wouldn't blame him honestly. After the accident, we survived on hospital food, but the twins refused to eat it. I persuaded them after 3 hours, and they only took little bites of it. I want them to be healthy. Good thing they actually got the nutrients they needed because I want them to grow, unlike Taemin and I...

I finished my plate and grabbed Taeji's plate before saying be right back to Yoongi. He nodded and watched the kids for me. I walked downstairs and saw everybody in the living room. They stopped what they were doing, and their eyes were on me. To say that I'm easily embarrassed.

"Oh, so-sorry! Just let me put these away." I said and tried to pass by, but Jin took the plates from me.

"No, you're not, Jimin. You're the guest, and I'll do it. " He said and walked away. I turned to the people and got attacked by someone with their powerful hug.

"Oh Jimin, how I missed you so so so so much!" Someone exclaimed. I hugged back, knowing who they were.

"Y/n...." We pulled back from our hug, and I looked at her features. She's still the same despite her being in her 30s. "You still looked beautiful..." I said.

"She flipped her hair most dramatically, "I know." She smiled and hugged once more.

"Mommy..." I pulled back, and Y/n turned around. I looked at the little figure. "Mommy, I'm tired..." She said, rubbing her eye and made grabby hands at Y/n. She gladly picked her up, and Nala rested her head on the base of her collarbone. She looked like Hoseok more than Y/n.

"Who is this little princess?" I cooed and bent down to her level. She smiled slightly before closing her eyes, and her little pink lips slowly turns into a pout as she sleeps.

"This is my daughter, Jimin. I was pregnant before you left."

"She's beautiful, is she's Hoseok's?" Y/n nodded, and I smiled. I never anything about their relationship since we barely talked over the past years, but here we are.

"I'll be right back, Jimin. I have to take Miss sleepyhead to a guestroom so she can sleep." I moved out of her way as she took her daughter upstairs. I saw that everyone was playing board games, and they invited me to play, but I politely declined since I want to shower and sleep with my kids. I said goodnight to everyone and made my way upstairs.

I see a door opened, seeing Y/n tucking in her child. I smiled at the scene and went towards my bedroom, where loud laughter can be heard. I opened the door and saw, Yoongi, Taeji, and Jiyoon on the ground, playing monopoly. I leaned towards the doorframe and watched the scene played in front of me.

"HAHA, Yoonie! Give $600!" Jiyoon exclaimed while Yoongi groaned and threw in fake money onto the board.

"Kid... You're wasting my cash here."

"I don't care! It's your cars fault landing on my famous property!"

"S-S-Shush! My turn!" Taeji rolled the dice onto the board, giving it a 5. He slid his hat onto a property.

"Thanks, Taeji. Now hand over $140." Yoongi said. Taeji pouted and handed only a $100. "Where's the $40?" Yoongi asked. I saw Taeji squinted his eyes and grabbed another $100 out of his pile.

"No no, bud. This is your $100. Give me those two 20s you got there." I forgot that Taeji couldn't count that much. I walked over to them, getting the attention from the three and sat next to Taeji.



"Hey... Taeji, you see these two 20s?" I asked, and Taeji nodded. "How much they add?" I could see that Taeji is trying so hard by the look on his face.

"Jiji..." Jiyoon said and held up two fingers on each hand. "How much is this?"

"Uh.. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4! 4!" Taeji exclaimed. "So... T-That 40?" He asked, and I nodded, giving him the fake money which he happily gave it to Yoongi.

"Good job, kiddo! Yoongi said, ruffling his hair.

"My turn!" Jiyoon rolled his dice onto the board. "8" He slid the dog eight times, and it landed on a big property than his.


"Hahaha, now give me my $600 back, kid." Oooh, karma.


Y'all really want me in jail...

Anywhore this is like a fluffy chapter not to exciting, but trust me in the future chapters

This will probably have 50+ maybe?

Anyways, how y'all doin...

I'm surprised that I finished Chapter 7 of Psycho Bunny...

Baby Steps is still in the works

I dare y'all to start a song in the comments

Have y'all seen bangbangcon? In both concerts I literally slept at 3am... And I cried and y'all should too.

I have new books in the work But I wanna finish this first lmao

I have like... 12? So I'm going to be here for awhile... Maybe lol


Some of y'all wanted to see my face, but no. I don't put my face here. I put my face on insta and snap


Snap: amysifuentes12

Places places put on your doll faces...


I got a hair cut ya'll

I have a mullet lmao

Still accepting girlfriend/boyfriend applications lmao

My hair after I wash it: Let's get oily uwu!




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