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Yoongi let's out a nervous chuckle and saw Jimin is preoccupied with Taeji. He thinks to himself that if he should tell the pup that he's really the father of him, but what good comes with?

"Mama said I looked like appa, but Jiyoon is not dumb. I look like you!" He exclaimed, pulling Yoongi's brown locks. Maybe he should tell him.

"Want in a little secret?" Yoongi whispered. Jiyoon nodded and pressed his ear fully against Yoongi's mouth. He chuckled and gently pulled away.

"Not that close to my mouth, bub." He said. "But I'm really your father. Mama didn't want to tell you..." He whispered. Jiyoon let out his little gasps meaning he was right all along.

"I knew it, dude, you know why? Because Taeji and appa share a con-concept-conejtiosnsks whatever that word, but when I went to try. It didn't work. Mama told me that it's not fully there yet." Jiyoon explained and placed his forehead against Yoongi's nose. Yoongi shifted his head down to meet his son's forehead, and it instantly clicked.

"Papa..." Jiyoon whispered and hugged his father.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Jiyoon pulled away, turning to his fuming mother.

"Mama... This is my appa!" Jiyoon exclaimed, and Jimin's blood boil.

"Yoongi, did you tell him?!" He exclaimed, grabbing Jiyoon out of his arms.

"I think it's my right that he should know." Yoongi defended.

"But I will tell him. You told him without my consent! How could you, Yoongi?! I was supposed to tell him!"

"Well, you're doing a great job." Yoongi walked off before using his other alpha mode. He didn't want to snap at him, or the kids will think less of him, even his son.

"Mama, he did nothing wrong!" Jiyoon defended.

"Sweetie, please, I was about to tell you this, but not now!"

"He's my appa!" Jiyoon tried to get out of his mothers holds but failed since he's already out of breath.

"We're going home." Jimin said, taking Taeji's hand and walked off where he scheduled driver to take him home.


"Come on, Jiyoon, eat." Jiyoon shook his head and pushed his plate away even though his stomach was growling like crazy.

"Come on... Just take at least two bites of the noodles, and you can do whatever." Jimin persuaded. He thought about it and took his plastic fork and took mouthfuls of noodles and walked off. Jimin sighed and grabbed the plate and put it on his own.

He ate peacefully since the Namjin family went to Jin's parent's house because they wanted Jimin to have personal space. Taeji already ate his meal, took a shower, and went to bed like a good boy he is.

"Stupid Jimin. Let Yoongi bonded his pu-"

Chiminy was interrupted when the doorbell rang. Jimin got up and opened the door, revealing Officer Carter holding a small safe.

"Sorry if it's late, but we came to deliver." She said, and Jimin took the safe, smiling since it holds precious memories.

"Oh, also, someone dropped this off at your front door. Guess you didn't get a knock or something." She handed Jimin a thin envelope. She bid Jimin goodbye and left.

He went inside, putting the safe down on the table next to the door and examine the thin envelope. Jimin was curious and opened it. There was only one thing, and it was a small note.

'You lived, and he died.'

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