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Jimin took a cold shower that night and have to find a way to pleasure himself since he was still hard. He muted out his wolf because he's a dumbass.

Jimin dried himself and done his nighttime routine. He went to his bedroom and saw the twins passed out on his bed.

He softly smiled and layed with them gently. Good thing they were heavy sleepers or they'll be up and awake, bothering the sleeping Jimin.

The twins immediately got attached to him, snuggling his sides. Jimin patted their back for comfort but realized that they weren't wearing their pajamas.

"Bad parenting."

His wolf, Chiminy, bothered him. Jimin rolled his eyes and ignored him as he got up quietly and made his way to the dresser. He pulled out two duckie onesies and put them on the bed.

He grabbed the nearest one, which happened to be Taeji. He gently took off his clothes and had to do a smell check on the both of them.

"Oof... You guys need a bath." Jimin mumbled, he kind of felt bad that he has to wake them up, but being clean is essential.

"Taeji wake up~ Bathtime~" Jimin cooed, but Taeji didn't budge.

"'Bout time!" Jiyoon exclaimed and grabbed his puppy towel, and walking to the bathroom naked.

"What the... Whatever..." Jimin picked up Taeji and his piggy towel and made it to the bathroom where he saw Jiyoon running the bath and put a bath bomb in.

"Thank you, Yooni~" Jiyoon nodded and slipped in the bathtub. Jimin put Taeji in a designated spot where he can't fall and drown.


After the bath, Taeji was still passed out. Jimin picked him up and wrapped the piggy towel around him. Jiyoon is already wrapped, but Jimin feared that he will slip and fall, so he had to carry them.

He fastly walked to his bedroom and plopped down the twins on his bed.

"Oof!" Jiyoon baffled.

"Sorry, babes..." Jimin dried off their little bodies and put lotion on them. Finally, for the grand finale, the onesies. It wasn't no hassle to put them one since Jiyoon passed out when Jimin rubbed lotion on his body and Taeji... Still knocked out.

"Awee." Jimin cooed. He out the towels away and layed next to them. He smiled down, admiring their cute chubby baby features.

"I love you both so much... It's bad that I got pregnant early with you, but I don't care. You are the light to my darkness. I would die for you. I'm sorry that your father died... I know you missed him... I miss him too... Sweet dreams..." Jimin pecked both of their foreheads and fell asleep.


"ShUt the fuck up, Suga! I'm trying to sleep!"

"No! We need to mate, Chiminy! His heat near! Chiminy heat near! Stupid Jimin ruined it!"

"You do realize that Jimin's mate JUST died?!"

"Jimin, former mate stupid! No like him! Chiminy hate him! He hates!"

"Omg, let me sleep please and
about heats and shit, just SHUT UP!"

"caRol bAskIn--"

"I'm going to kill you."

"Hehe, shh! Me and Chiminy talking! Goodbye!"

Yoongi groaned and rubbed his head. The entire time, he had to fight his wolf for controlling him. It was unexpected to see Jimin under him... In his expensive car.

In the middle of the movie, his wolf literally took over him. Like Suga, locked him in a cage-like he completed his mission. Then the next... Yup.

"Chiminy said you stupid Yoongi! Me and Chiminy are destined to be!"


"No! We'll get together someday!"

Suga shut off, hopefully for the last time. Yoongi groaned and flipped onto his stomach since it was the most comfortable position.

"Big brudder..." A soft voice called out. He looked and saw his baby sister in a flamingo onesie and holding her favorite teddy bear.

"Nala... What are you doing up?" Yoongi grumbled. Nala waddled and lifted herself up onto the bed, lying next to Yoongi.

"I can't sleep, and mama is loud on the phone..." Nala said.

"Hmph, that makes two of us."

"...I saw you with Chimin... In the living room, but I didn't want to be rude, so I went back to bed with mommy."

"Okay, good..." Yoongi mumbled out.


"Nothing. Go back to sleep... Or try too." Yoongi said as he closed his eyes. Nala just stared at the ceiling, slowly slipping to madness.

"Do you like him or love, Yoongi?" Nala asked as she looked at her brother with full curiosity.

"...I don't know, Nala... I don't know..." Nala hummed and didn't question further since she can tell her brother is kinda sad about it. She rolled onto her stomach and fastly fell asleep. As for Yoongi, did he really love Jimin? For fucks sake the boy just lost his mate, but he couldn't help it. His neediness towards is restless.


Morning came by, and the Namjin couple were the first ones to wake up. They greeted each other with a kiss and walked their separate ways.

Jin came downstairs to start on breakfast, but stop when he small and familiar scent.

"Omg..." Jin mumbled. He took out the special moon candle and lit it up before everyone come downstairs. He knew that Yoongi and Jimin have to explain themselves and almost fucking in the living room.

Soon Namjoon came down but stopped and sniffed the air.

"Wtf..." Joon mumbled and looked at his mate for an explanation. Jim just shrugged and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast with Namjoon following.

"Did Yoongi and Jimin have sex there?" Namjoon asked.

"Probably, probably not. I just whipped out the moon candle so that they won't get a sniff, especially Jimin's kids. Those kids are possessive asf." Jin responded and took out the pancake batter.

"Not going to lie, those kids do scare me. Especially Taeji since that's Taemin's kid." Namjoon claimed.

"Hi." Both Namjoon and Jin were startled when they saw Taeji in his duck onesie.

"H-Hey sweetie," Jin postured himself, "What do you need, hun? Your mommy awake?" Taeji shook his head and walked towards Jin.



Y'all like the last chapter????? Ew lmao. I can't smut

I cried last week because I couldn't fit in my pants uwu

Quarantine life



You know BTR? My first boy group uwu



Snap: amysifuentes12

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