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Jimin was in shock, seeing Yoongi with him on his bed, hugging his belly. He was sure that he could hear his baby the way that Taemin can.

"Jimin, stay still." Yoongi said calmly. Jimin stayed still, but he was beyond shock that his former mate was in bed with him.

"Just answer my question, Yoongi. What are you doing here?" Jimin asked while looking up at the ceiling. Yoongi hummed and lifted his head from the omega's stomach.

"I'm here that I recovered quickly. As your former mate, I apologize for my roughness. I blame myself and my alpha for getting you pregnant early at this age. We both never intentionally did, but it happened. I'm... Sorry, Jimin." Jimin's eyes widened and looked at Yoongi. He looked at his eyes for any lies hidden, but there weren't any. He was serious.

"I-It's okay, Yoongi..." Jimin quietly said. They both stared at each other like they were lost in space. Suddenly Jimin leaned into Yoongi's lips, but he stopped him.

"Jimin, you're married. I'm not that kind of person to cheat on who is married..." Yoongi said, pushing Jimin back to his bed.

"W-Who told you I'm married?" Jimin asked, sitting up again.

"Taemin. He talked to Namjoon that you guys are married, and he planned on getting a house for you two or three since you're carrying twins." He explained but also continued. "Your brother also said that you would move out in two days with Taemin."

"Didn't I get a say?!" Yoongi shook his head no.

"Every decision you make has consequences like my alpha curse your omega for mating with me. That has consequences. I'm going now. See you soon, Jimin. I know I'm selfish, but I'll pay half of the child support. See you, Jimin." Yoongi left, leaving Jimin all pouty, and tears threaten to come down.

"Everything is a mess... And it only started when I met Min Yoongi."


It's been two days, and it was time for Jimin to day goodbye to his brother and his mate. It was hard for Jimin since he's going to be three hours away from Seoul. Yes, he found out that Taemin bought a house for them three hours away because he is an heir of his father's company and has to study business. It was a little unfair for Jimin, but he's just carrying babies.

"I want you to call me every day, pup. I know it may seem unfair to you, but since you're keeping your babies, we want you to be responsible. Okay, pup?" Namjoon said as he put the rest of the luggage at the back of Taemin's Toyota van.

"Yes, and I want updates on Jin Hyung, please?" He begged with his puppy eyes and that big signature pout of his.

"Of course, pup. I'll miss you." Namjoon hugged Jimin, and he hugged back. Jimin will miss this familiar smell and this familiar arms around him.

"I'll miss you too, Joonie." They both let go, and Namjoon waited by the curb with Jin by his side. Jin went ahead to hug Jimin.

"I'll miss you too, Mochi, and don't worry about Namjoon. He's in great hands."

"Thank you, Jin." They hugged each other tightly, feeling their bumps.

"Yah! Jimin!" Jimin turned his head and saw Jeongguk and Taehyung.

"Best fucking friend, why are you leaving me?!" Jeongguk dramatically said as he hugs the both of them.

"Sorry, you have to find out this way..." Jimin said sadly and pulled away from the two.

"It's okay, but Imma miss you... It'll be weird for you not being here for the rest of the school year." Jeongguk pouted. "Whatever call me and video chat me, please. Tell me the tea while you're gone, and I'll tell you mine." Jimin nodded and hugged Jeongguk once more.

"Alright, babe, let's go." Taemin said. Jimin pulled back from Jeongguk and went to the passenger side of the car.



The drive to their new house was ling because one Jimin pregnant and he will complain about hid back was hurting, two, he needs to go the bathroom 24/7 and last but not least, he's hungry but good thing they stocked up.

"Wow... The house is lovely, Taemin." Jimin said as they got out of the car. The house was merely expensive as it's literally on the side of the mountain with a fantastic view of the city.

"I spend my whole savings here, thank you, Jimin." They both got inside and looked around the house.

Living room

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Living room


Taemin and Jimin's Bedroom

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Taemin and Jimin's Bedroom

The Twins Nursery


imin smiled as Taemin, his now-husband, hugs him from behind.

"Did you plan the whole house, Taemin?" Jimin asked as he looked at the nursery fondly. He felt Taemin nodded on his shoulder with a hum.

"Ready to start our new life?" He asked.

It took Jimin for only a second until he revealed his answer, "Yes."

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