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Jimin pov

Saturday came. Earlier, Taehyung told me that he's going to be gone the whole day, but there wasn't worries for me to be alone. Some people are kind enough to watch me even though I'm a teenager.

Lately, I've been feeling hot like my whole body just entered a sauna and sat there for hours. It comes and go, and the maiden has to replace the sheets. I feel bad. I didn't mean for any of that to happen.

They suggested that I have to take a bath. I agreed, and I laid there for a few minutes, letting my body sink into the lukewarm water. But my body was still hot.

"Alpha Min summon us!"

I opened my eyes in shock and looked around the bathroom. There was no one there.

"Need to help Alpha Min rut!"

Suddenly my body decides to move on their own. I didn't know I was doing because my omega side was taking control over me. I crawled on all fours, heading towards the door. I opened the door, and the scent of pinecones hit me. The smell was so strong it was intoxicating.

"Omega~" I heard someone. I moaned and went near. There was Yoongi on his side, naked. His hair was wet, and his eyes glow lustfully red. "Come here, my Naive Omega~" I obeyed and went to him.

His lips immediately captured mine. He pinned me down on the bed, and our scent of pinecones and lavender were merged into one.

"I'll take care of you, and you'll take care of me~"


I tried moving, but my lower body was filled with pain and agony. I lifted the blanket that Yoongi's front was attached to me. I looked behind me and saw Yoongi. His black hair falls perfectly, and his pink lips slightly parted for him to breathe through. It was a fantastic sight to look at. I snuggled into his chest, and I felt his arms went around my waist. I felt safe... Like I belonged to him. I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep again, hearing the sounds of Yoongi's heartbeat.


I woke up when the sun was shining down onto my face. I pulled the covers up and let the darkness consumed me but didn't help when the birds were chirping loudly. I groaned and got up, which I regret since I felt immense pain down on my lower bottom. I noticed that Yoongi wasn't there. It made me sad that I didn't wake up with him.

With all my courage, I stood up and waddled towards the bathroom even though my butt hurts like hell. I looked at the mirror and saw many purple bruise marks scattered across my pale skin. My fingers traveled along and stopped when I saw two red dots on my neck. The same ones that Jeongguk have the same ones on his neck. Maybe I should ask him when school starts. I turned on the bathtub with lukewarm water and waited until the water reaches halfway. I carefully got in and sighed at the feeling when my muscles relaxed under the water's touch.


"The fuck Yoongi!" Taehyung shouted. Yoongi was sitting on the couch with a smug look on his face.

"What Taehyung? He's a good fuck." Yoongi said.

"That doesn't matter! Namjoon will have OUR heads!"

"Let him do whatever. I fulfilled my wish already." With that, Yoongi got up from the couch and walked away, leaving Taehyung in disbelief.

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