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Taehyung and Yoongi were hanging out, well, mostly Yoongi was hanging g out with the girls while Taehyung just sat there. The girls knew he was mated, so they didn't bother him, but instead bothered Yoongi.

"Yoongi... You're such a mess. You rejected Jimin, who was carrying yo-" Yoongi held his finger up for him to shut up. He patted on one of the girl's thigh, meaning they need to leave. They all pouted and left, not before swaying their hips.

"Don't even mention that runt. I just used him for my rut. I don't care if he's carrying my pup. I couldn't care less." He said, grabbing his shot of whiskey from the couch. "Besides, you brought that stupid alpha to Jimin. Hopefully, they'll live happily ever after."

"Yoongi! He's still your mate! I know you rejected him, but he didn't reject you. He will still feel the pain, and so will you." Taehyung shouted.

"I'm an alpha. I can take the pain." He smugly said while taking a sip of the whiskey. Taehyung rubbed his temples in annoyance because he was trying to get sense out of Yoongi, but that was hard cause he is being an ass! "And besides, that little runt won't go to anyone else because he's on his knees for me." He smirked.

"Man, I can't believe you're my cousin. Why can't aunt Y/n just met another dude?" He said while looking up at the roof, hoping that God will answer his question.

"My mother was naive. Deal with it." He responded and getting up to get another bottle of alcohol.

"So is Jimin! Have you ever notice this is like a repeat of your mother's story! She was pregnant at 16. Jimin is pregnant at 16. She worked at a bookstore. Jimin is currently applying for a job at a bookstore. Your mom found someone, and soon enough, Jimin will find someone else!" Taehyung yelled, following Yoongi to the bar.

"And soon, if Jimin does find someone else. They'll be divorced like my mom and Hoseok." He smirked, knowing that he will not Hoseok anymore because he was cheating on her and hurting his mom without Hoseok knowing. All those lies that Y/n is spewing about her husband were all lies, and even her mind told lies. She was manipulated, and Yoongi found a reason not to like him.

"I know what Hoseok did is wrong. Now that I think of it, it's been four weeks since I last seen him. He's our personal doctor, and now, he disappeared? This doesn't make sense. Even that front desk lady, Jiyeon? She disappeared too, and- Oohhhh..." Taehyung stopped midsentence when he realized the story. "So... Jiyeon is pregnant with Hoseok's baby... Right?"

Yoongi hummed in agreement. He handed a shot glass to Taehyung, which he shook his head no. "I insist, Tae. Loosen up, your mate won't mind." He said, pushing the glass of whiskey towards him.

"I swear to god if I get drunk. I'm going to blame you." Taehyung mumbled angrily as he drank the shot with one sip. Yoongi chuckled and clapped his hands when his baby cousin took his first shot uwu.

"Cheers." Yoongi raised his glass before taking a shot. The alcohol burned his system, which he loved. Then something wasn't right. His whole body felt hot like he was on fire.

"Hyung... Your mark is bleeding!" Taehyung exclaimed, rushing over to the alpha. Yoongi took his hand up to his neck where the mating mark and pulled it back to see it bleeding on his side.

"W-What's going on?" Yoongi mumbled and was about to fall, but Taehyung caught him in time.

"Your whole body is hot!" Taehyung put his hand on Yoongi's forehead, feeling radiating through his palm. He quickly grabbed the icebox that was hidden under the bar and grabbed a cloth, and scooped up some of thenice inside. He pressed the ice-cold cloth against his head, but Yoongi directed his hand to his neck where the pain is.

"T-This fucking hurts!" Yoongi yelled out, his teething gritting tightly together as the pain won't go away. "What the hell! Is this?!"

"Jimin..." Taehyung mumbled, but not loud enough for the alpha to hear. Yoongi groaned, and his vision started to fade when his body couldn't take it no more.

"Yup... Going to pass out. Goodnight." Yoongi said before entirely passing out on Taehyung's lap. Taehyung kept the cloth near the mark and placed Yoongi's head down on the phone before getting his phone. He went to his contact holder and went to Jimin's name and pressed call. It ringed and ringed, but all went to voice mail. He pressed call again, but it went straight to voice mail.

"Fuck!" Taehyung grabbed his jacket and called the female omega's to come over.

"Yes?" One of them answered.

"Yoongi passed out. I'm going out, and please take care of him. Replace the ice and place it all over his body because his body is deadly hot. You understand omega's?" Taehyung ordered. The female omega's nodded in obedience, not wanting to anger him more. Then Taehyung left, racing to Jimin's place.

The female omega's turned their heads towards Yoongi's body.

"Should we tie him up? We know how scary he is when he wakes up." The other omega's agrees and went to get rope and gloves.

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