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Jiyoon crawled backward on the stairs since he still didn't trust himself going down without his mom or his little brother with him. With one little grunt, his cushioned butt made it downstairs and waddled towards to the kitchen.

There he spotted the alpha, his giant back facing him. Being a good boy he is, he will listen to his mom and apologize to the older. He waddled towards him and pulled on his suit jacket.

Yoongi turned around to see nobody, but when he looked down, he saw little Jiyoon with his confident face.

"Hewo sir, my name is Jiyoon Lee, and I like to apologize for what happen. I sorry for being mean to you, mister." Jiyoon said his cheeks were a tiny of pink making Yoongi stomach fluttered. His tiny son standing in front of him, he looked so much better in real life than in pictures.

"Forgive him, Yoongs!" Y/n slapped her son's head. She had visible tears running down her cheeks because of what Jiyoon did acting all cute and shit. Y/n's cold heart couldn't take the cuteness.

"Jesus christ mom," Yoongi rubbed his head and sighed, kneeling to the little one, "It's cool, my dude. You were just trying to protect your mom. I get it. I forgive you." Jiyoon smiled, showing off his gums. He ran off where the food was because he was starving.

Y/n sighed, "I remember you were three, and you were so overprotective of me. You wouldn't even let Hoseok near me, all you do is bite him, hit him, and growled at him when he's going to touch me. Then I said to him, "Hobi, this bitch will be an alpha." And after that, we bet because he thought you'd be a beta, but he's wrong and owed me $500." Y/n said, looking at him.

"Can't believe you two were my parents." Yoongi mumbled, and Y/n chuckled.

"At least you're accepting Hoseok now, and that's been my dream hun. Even though they were not together... Yet." Y/n mumbled the last part, and she let out a sigh of relief when Yoongi didn't hear that.

"Whatever, I'll check on Jimin to see what's he's holding up." She nodded and picked up her daughter and go to the kitchen.


"You'll be the death of me someday, Taeji. I get that your stressed, but you don't need my milk. We can try other liquids, bubs." Jimin said, patting his son's cushioned butt as he peacefully drinks his mother's milk. Jimin tried to get him out of it, but Taeji wouldn't budge, so he gave in.

Taeji sniffed his boogers inside because his mother was refusing his request to be breastfeeding. It was the only way to comfort him.

Then Yoongi came in at the wrong time.

"Ah shit, sorry!" Jimin was not even fazed. He just stared at Yoongi.

"It's fine. It's normal to feed my pups." Jimin said sarcastically. He looked down, seeing Taeji slowly falling asleep.

"B-But he's three?" Yoongi said, uncovers his eyes, but covers them again.

"It's fine," Jimin said and pulled Taeji away when he's done with his snack, "I need to find a way for him to stop sucking the life out of me and uncover your damn eyes."

Yoongi uncovered them, feeling the relief seeing the little pup snuggled into Jimin's chest.

"Anyways, are you going to be down for dinner?" Yoongi asked, his face is still flushed.

"Probably not. Taeji is clingy after drank me. Just save me some leftovers for him and me." Yoongi nodded and was about to leave when Jimin called him out.

"Thank you, Yoongi, for comforting me. It's hard for the both of us..." Yoongi nodded and left without saying a word.

Jimin sighed and looked at his, who is now wide awake.

"More." Taeji demanded.



Accepting girlfriend and boyfriend applications at the moment.

I don't need a bottom.

Quarantine made me crazy.

Sorry this wasn't a good ending for this chapter.

My sleep schedule is nOnExIstEnT at the moment.

What happens if I exposed my phone number here? 💀 Y'all be blaring me with messages or what?

I made a list of tingz on what to do during quarantine.

Here is my snapchat, it's my personal one


You can find my twitter on my bio.

I want chocolate

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