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Dr. Jung gave Jimin and the family permission to visit Yoongi after he put some new bandages and pills. Namjoom pushed the wheelchair in front of Yoongi's door.

"Are we going to go to?" Jimin asked as he looked at his brother.

"Yeah... I'll give you a minute." Namjoon responded as he walked back to his family. Jimin took deep breaths and thought positive things.

"Mama... We're going to see appa?" Jiyoon asked.

"Yes, baby... can you open the door for mommy, please?" Jimin said impatiently as it already been more than a minute.

"Yes, mommy! Taeji, help me!" Jiyoon picked up Taeji and held him up to reach the door. Taeji's small fingers reached the doorknob and opened the handle slightly and pushed the door open.

"We got it, open mommy." Jiyoon said and walked in with Taeji in his arms. Jimin smiled and rolled the wheelchair inside, closing the door behind him.

He wheeled closer to Yoongi, holding his cold hand. He heard steady heartbeats and his chest going up and down.

"Mama... Is appa going to wake up?" Jiyoon asked as he peered over, seeing his parents hold hands.

"I don't know, baby..." Jimin truthfully said.

"I-Is he m-my appa too?" Taeji asked.

Jimin looked down on him and smiled.

"Yes, baby... He loves you too. Even though your other appa is in heaven, he wants you to be happy." Jimin said and picked both of his twins up and put them on his lap.

"His alpha accepts you two and take you as his own pups despite the father difference." Jimin pecked both of their head as they watch Yoongi peacefully sleeping.

"We met this girl... Aera... she papa's daughter before us? We accept her as our sister mommy... Will you accept her too?" Jiyoon asked as he tilts his head back to see his mother.

"I'll accept her no matter what, sweetie."

"S-Sing us a lullaby, mommy?" Taeji asked.

Jimin hummed their lullaby as he held them tightly into his arms. He can feel their little body going limb as they were drawn to his voice. The rain also helped with the soothing atmosphere.

"Sweet dreams..." Jimin yawned and fell asleep too even though it's uncomfortable to do so.


"Mochi..." A deep voice called out. Jimin squirmed a little as he tried to stretch, but an arm prevented him from doing so.

His eyes opened to see the twins in front of him, sprawled out on the bed. Then he turned his back to see Yoongi wide awake their lips almost touching each other.

"Yoongi!" Jimin whispered shouted and hugged the alpha, making him groan in pain when Jimin's chest makes contact with his wound.

"Sorry, sorry..." Yoongi chuckled and brought their foreheads together.

"It's okay, baby..."

"Baby?" Jimin baffled.

"Yes, you are my baby. My baby, along with two other babies."

"You mean three... Your daughter." Jimin added.

"So you knew about her... Then yes, three of my precious babies." Jimin giggled, and they rubbed noses to each other.

"How did I end up in the bed?" Jimin asked curiously since Yoongi is on the bed resting and probably doesn't have the strength to pick him up or the twins.

"When I woke up, I see you were sleeping uncomfortably, and that's where Namjoon came in. He was shocked to see me awake and took out his phone, probably texting my mother, who knows. So I told him to pick you three up and laid you guys here. Good thing this hospital bed is big enough." Yoongi responded while caressing Jimin's cheek.

"Oh Yoongi, that's sweet. You've changed so much for the past three years. Who would have knew? The playboy turned soft for their ex-mate and his children. That's for the school's headline.

"I still have my anger issues, darling."

"What anger issues?~" Jimin's omega took over as he looked at Yoongi with his bright purple eyes.

"Omega." Yoongi sternly said, fighting his own alpha, not wanting that thing to take over.

"You barely have anger issues! If you do, all I see is a cute little kitten hissing at a little leaf!" The omega cooed as he puckered up his lips and squished Yoongi's cheek.

"Yah! I'm sexy when I'm angry."

"Bish, where? All I see is kitties~"

"Moom god, forgive me what I'm about to do." Yoongi mumbled. The omega was still babbling until he felt a warm pair of lips on his. Chiminy smiled into the kiss and let Jimin took over.

Jimin's eyes widen, but slowly closed them as he responds to the kiss. His arms were gently around Yoongi's neck, and Yoongi's arms were around his waist. The kiss was pretty heated as Yoongi pushed Jimin down onto the bed as he hovered above him.

Yoongi's long fingers roam around Jimin's body. Jimin softly moaned at the long lost feeling.

"W-Wait..." Jimin pushed back Yoongi, "The kids... I almost forgot about them..." Jimin whispered.

Yoongi chuckled, "Shit... We'll continue this later, then?" Jimin rolled his eyes and softly slapped the male as he layed beside him.

Yoongi kissed Jimin's neck where supposed to make your mark. His teeth softly grazed over the human flesh.

"Can I?"


The next few chapters will get boring ngl since we're almost done with the book.

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