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"Is this some kind of joke?!" Jimin yelled through the phone. Earlier when he read that, he gotten mad and started to call the police station. He thought that Officer Carter pulled something on him, but the authorities only saw with the safe and no envelope with her.

"Sir, we double checked her person and indeed she was carrying any sorts of letter." The woman said. Jimin took deep breaths before he lost his shit since his kids were sleeping and the house was kind of echoing.

"Whatever, I'm sorry. I'm just worked up... But can you please check it out. I'm freaking out!" Jimin admitted it. He put the letter on the table and didn't looked at it when he started the phone call.

"Yes. You're just going to have to drive over here so we can examine it." She said.

"Alright... Thank you..." Jimin bid goodbye to the lady and hung up. He gripped the the counter looking across the letter.

"Mama?" A soft voice called out. Jimin turned and saw his twins in lion onesies. He gently smiled at their cuteness because they didn't want to match at all, but this site makes Jimin's heart melt.

"What do you need, babies?" Jimin asked. The twins were unsure how to answer because they really didn't liek when their mother is yelling and almost at the verge of loosing it. They waddled towards and hugged his legs.

Jimin cooed and picked them up with ease. He pecked both of their cheeks and set them on the kicthen counter.

"We heard you yelling..." Jiyoon started and nibbled on his finger.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean. Mama was just frustrated." Jimin explained and the twins nodded.

"L-Let's sleep momma..." Taeji said yanking on his shirt.

"You two can go first. Mama will be behind you." Jimin let the twins down and they waddled away. He sighed and grabbed the note. It's best if he delivers this, but he didn't want to leave the house.

"Namjoon and Jin are busy... So is Taehyung and Jeongguk... Y/n is working a late shift... Why is everyone busy when I need them..." Jimin whined.

"Call Suga." His wolf Chiminy said.






"You know what?"

Jimin suddenly felt he was being pulled back and his eyes turned bright purple.

"I'll put you in place, Jimin. We must call, Yoongles!" Chiminy grabbed Jimin's phone and typed in Yoongi's contact. He pressed call and waited for him to answer.


"Oooooh~ Yooongie!"

"What?... Jimin?"

"What- Oh uh, yes it's Jimin."

"Oh um... What do you need?"

"Come here, now."


"Dont ask questions come here now!"


"Yay! Bye~"

Chiminy hanged up with a smirk and he can feel Jimin fighting his way back, but he knows all his secrets. Chiminy remained strong as he waited for Yoongi.


The door knocked after 20 minutes and Chiminy skipped over to the door. Earlier, he kept Jimin in tact by locking him out of mind. And he, out on some brown contacts to cover him up as well. He opened the door and hugged Yoongi.

"Yoonie~" He exclaimed and hugged him tighter.

"Um.. Hey Jimin?" Yoongi wanted to questioned about Jimin's attitude, but this wasn't helping since Jimin is squeezing him to death.

"Yoonie~" Chiminy purred and pushed to a nearby wall and kissed him.


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