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Jimin pov

I don't know how I got here, but I only remembered that Jungkook screamed my name. I rushed to him seeing people in black suits, and the last thing I see is Jungkook being on the floor in pain before they knocked me out completely.

The room felt cold as my half-naked body laid on the concrete floor. I couldn't see anything out of these damn blindfold. My wrists were hurting from the rope, and I'm starving as heck.

I tried to contact my wolf, but he wasn't responding to me. I don't know if he's ignoring me or he's just gone. I tried to move, but my head was pounding, and I didn't move any further. I heard a door clicked and heels clacking against the concrete floor.

"Mm, Jimin. Didn't think we would find you in Yoongi's hidden house~" A female purred. I kind of recognized the voice, but my memories from the past were sort of faded.

"You know, it's your fault that your husband died. The explosion could've killed you and not him. He had a long life ahead of him, but you were the one slowly him down. It's best if that you and those little runts that you conceived lived... Then he gets to die." She said, and I felt her cold finger on my neck where the mark supposed to be.

"Now I can't have Yoongi to myself because he's all over you," She growled and gripped harshly on my chin, "I even have a fucking child with him thinking he would stay, but nope! He only comes and goes for that stupid child!" She yelled out. Then she sniffed the air and moaned.

"I can feel your heat coming fellow omega~ What? Forgot to take your suppressants?" She cackled a little, letting go of my jaw.

"W-What do you want from m-me?" I stuttered. She hummed and pressed her heel against my throat.

"My plan is to kill you and your little runts, but since your heat is coming soon. I think I'll be nice and have one of my unmated alpha's come here and breed you like a little bitch you are." Then she took out her heel off of my throat, and I begin to cough harshly.

"Maybe if he mated you. That means I could have Yoongi all to myself. Toodles Jimin baby~" She said. I heard the door closed the door. There is no way I'm going to bred. I struggled on the ropes, not caring if I get rope burns after. All I care about is that I need to get out of here before that female comes back.

Yoongi's pov

"Okay, so we planned for Saturday night at that cherry blossom park because that's approximately where his heat will come, right?" I nodded at the correct information. In a couple of days, I was planning to make Jimin mine again. I know it's way too soon, and we've barely know each other, but his wolf and my wolf seal the deal that I have to accompany Jimin during his heat.

"Okay, I'll text Jungkook that we're coming back." Taehyung said and whipped out his phone. I guess I'll have to call the little pups to come over here.

"Jiyoon, Taeji! Let's go! We're going back to your mommy!" I yelled out. Thankfully they obeyed and drove their mini car here, which is fucking adorable. Probably when I go to the store again. I'll get Aera the same thing.

"Yes, appa! We're ready to go!" Jiyoon exclaimed. I looked at Taeji, and he looked a little uncomfortable. He probably knew that Jiyoon comes from a different father, and I hope I don't make him uncomfortable.

"That's weird... Jungkook usually text me back faster than our shi- crappy wifi." He said, saving himself from saying a curse word.

"Maybe he's asleep." I said as I gestured, the twins got off the car, and I lifted it up to put it in the back of my truck.

"Maybe..." He mumbled.

"Just get in the car, and maybe we'll find out." I said in annoyance. He got in the car after putting Taeji in his car seat while I did the same thing to Jiyoon. I started the car and drove back to the house with a heavy feeling.


When we arrived, the front of the house was a complete mess. Taehyung bolted out of the car, scaring the twins. I couldn't leave them in here, so I unwrapped them and carried them inside the house.

"Taehyung... Baby...." I heard someone mumbled. I put the twins down and told them to stick together and stay, which they did as I got closer to Taehyung.

"What the fuck happened here?!" I exclaimed as I saw Jungkook on the floor, and red fluids were coming out on his lower regions.

"Stop fucking yelling and call the ambulance!" Taehyung yelled, or should I say, V. His wolf came out. I whipped out my phone calling the ambulance with no further questions. They told me they'd be here in 10 minutes.

"Jungkook, please tell me what happened?" I asked desperately. I heard V growled, but I ignored it.

"All I see... Men in black suits and Jimin knocked out... Too much... Pain... Alpha..." Jungkook whimpered. I got up and left the scene since he is in no state to talk.

"Where's mama, papa?" Jiyoon asked. I crouched down to meet at their levels and patted their heads.

"Your mama is somewhere... We just need to find it."

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