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"Are you sure, Yoongi? I don't want to be a burden to you." Jimin asked as he fiddled with his fingers nervously.

"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, where I live is completely hidden. We just need to convince your brother to live with me for a while, and he has to move. Are you going to tell him about the note?"

"Probably... Maybe he can investigate it too." Jimin said. Yoongi hummed and bounced his little pup in his arms uwu.

"Don't go tonight. That person might be there, so I'll stay with you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Jimin. I'll be in the room with you guys. I'll stay up late at night to protect you three."

"Okay, Yoongi... Thank you." Jimin said as he got up and went to Yoongi to peck him on the cheek. Yoongi's face flushed red while Jimin chuckled.

"Come on." Jimin grabbed Yoongi's arm and led him up the stairs where their bedrooms are. Taeji was found spread across the bed, letting soft snores leave his mouth.

"Put Jiyoon down. Both of them will find their way to me or each other." Yoongi put down the pup, and Jiyoon crawled unconsciously to his baby brother and snuggled to him.

"Now, do you need anything before you take watch?" Jimin asked the older.

Yoongi shook his head, "No, that's fine. I know my way to the house. Sleep, don't worry about me." Jimin nodded and layed on the bed with his babies. The twins immediately smell their mother and cuddles next to him, feeling content.

Yoongi couldn't help himself but to take a picture of the three snuggling each other. He just wished in the future that he could be part of the snuggling pair.


It was 2:38 pm. The three was knocked out entirely. Yoongi stood awake. He could stay awake as long as 24 hours since he was used to it because of his previous career.

The alpha stood, wandering around the room because he wanted to stretch his legs out from sitting for almost 4 hours. He looked out the window and saw the sky was dark grey, meaning it was about to rain soon. He also looked around, noticing something really suspicious. He squinted his eyes for a better look and saw the person was staring right at him with bright purple eyes. An omega was watching them. Suddenly they walked away, and Yoongi got a better look at them. Their figure was slender and thin.

'A female omega...' Yoongi thought and closed the curtains. He promised himself that he'd protect Jimin and his pups.


"So, you want us to move?" Namjoon asked, looking at Yoongi and Jimin with a serious glare.

"Yes, please. It's for your own safety. They might know that you guys are still here, and I'll feel really terrible if something happened to you guys..." Jimin said.

"I think we should Joonie... You would do anything to protect our family, right?" Jin asked his husband. Namjoon clenched his and nodded.

"We'll move, and we'll have to deal with three tantrums, but we'll move. Thank you two for informing us of this information." Yoongi and Jimin nodded.

"I already packed everything I need to go to Yoongi's. Please be safe, guys."

"You too, baby brother." Namjoon got up and hugged his brother tight. They pulled apart, and Namjoon pecked his forehead.

"You ready to go?" Yoongi asked, holding the twins and two of his bags, including the safe Jimin retrieved. Jimin felt bad and grabbed the bag from his arm and the safe from him.

"Now, I am." Jimin said with a smile. Namjoon walked up to Yoongi.

"Protect him."

"Will do Namjoon."

They both left the house bidding their goodbyes even though they'll visit each other. For Jimin, this felt like deja vu.


"I wonder what's inside the safe..." Jimin asked as his fingers softly glazed over the lock.

"You can open it if you want. I'm driving, so I won't be able to see it." Yoongi said as he looked at Jimin then back to the road.

"Okay..." Jimin remembered every safe combination that Taemin has. Fortunately, there was only one in the house and many in his company just lying around.


He typed that code in, and the safe opened lightly. He smiled because Taemin used his sons birthday. Jimin opened it.

"Oh my god... Is this where he kept the twins bears?!" He exclaimed as he saw two black teddy bears with red bows just sitting there. He remembered that those were the bears that Taemin's parents gifted the twins when they were few months old, and they immediately grew attached it. One day the twins were crying nonstop because their bears was stolen, leaving Jimin stressed and wanting to jump off a cliff.

"Our bears, mommy?! Give them!!" The twins exclaimed. Jimin gave their bears back.

"What a jerk..." Jimin mumbled, making Yoongi chuckled. Jimin digs through and found another teddy bear that he remembered. The blue bear.

The blue bear where Dr. Jung gifted him when he found out he was pregnant. Jimin played with the little blue stubs before setting it on one of the cup holders. He reached even further and grabbed a velvet box.

"Ooh, what's in it?" Jimin asked himself. He opened it and revealed a necklace.

"Oh my god

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"Oh my god... It's so beautiful..." He turned the necklace back and forth until he read the initials on the back of the moon

Y + J

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