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Chiminy moaned into the kiss when he felt the alpha grabbed his ass. Yoongi lifted him up and placed him on the dining table.

"Ooh~ Daddy, you going to fuck me on the dining table?" Chiminy purred into the kiss. Yoongi pulled out and smirked at the omega. But then, he aggressively pinned his arms above his head.

"What the-"

"Chiminy, Where's Jimin?" Yoongi asked, his eyes staggering towards the omega.

"I'm Jimin! What you doing, Yoongi?!" Chiminy exclaimed, trying to sound convincing that obviously failed because of his lack of words.

"Nice try, Chiminy. Jimin wouldn't even fo this to me. He would've slapped me instead since we fought this morning." Yoongi said and let go of the omega. Chiminy rolled his eyes and sat up, looking at Yoongi with a pout.

"Now, why did you call me?" He asked with a serious glare.

"Cause Jimin doesn't want to call you, but he had no one else since everyone is busy with their own lives, and besides, you have a car, daddy~" Chiminy purred, leaning towards Yoongi, but he backed off making the omega fall to the ground.

"Owie... Meanie~" Chiminy said, getting up and dusted his pajama pants.

"Get Jimin here now and get that ridiculous eye contacts off." Chiminy puffed and took out his eye contacts, revealing his bright purple eyes.

"Do we really need Jimin here?" Chiminy asked, walking closer to Yoongi.

"Yes, we do." Yoongi pushed him down onto the chair and waited for the omega to get Jimin in his right state of mind. Chiminy clicked his tongue and concentrated on getting Jimin, which is fast since Jimin wanted to beat his own wolf up. He groaned and rubbed his neck while his eye color went back to normal.

"You okay there?" Yoongi asked cautiously. Jimin just nodded and massaged his head.

"My wolf is really an ass. He usually doesn't do that when our heats are coming, which is in two weeks." Jimin explained.

"I see. Good thing, my alpha stood in his place while your wolf kissed me."

"Yeah, thanks for commanding Chiminy like that..."

"You're welcome."

Silence was filled around the room, and Yoongi sat next to Jimin again cautiously. Yoongi reached out and grabbed Jimin's small hand and rubbed circles on his knuckles.

"Were you really about to call me?" Yoongi asked.

"Um... Yeah... Chiminy explained why..."

"Then what do you need me for?"

Jimin reached out the note and handed it to Yoongi. He looked confusedly at until he read it.

"What the fuck?" Yoongi shockingly said as he read the note over and over again. "Do you know who did this?"

Jimin shook his head, "The Officer lady came by earlier and gave me my safe that was survived during the explosion. She said there was an envelope left hanging my door and I didn't notice because when I got here, there was nothing. So I don't know anyone with that handwriting, and I have to take it up to the police station, and I was hoping that you'll watch my kids for me..." Jimin explained. Yoongi has to take a second to process information that Jimin gave him. It took him a little while to figure out an answer.

"Won't it be dangerous for you? Jimin, this person literally knows where you and the twins live and if you go out right now. We don't know what's going to happen. You're at risk." Yoongi answered.

"I-I... I didn't think about that, Yoongi. I'm just too caught to worry about my own safety, let alone the twins..."

"How about this... I know this is really sudden, but you have to convince your brother to sell this house and live in another, hidden. Probably this person knows that his family lives here too. And you have to buy a house. You already inherited Taemin's things."

"But what if they found us where we live, Yoongi? As you can see, I'm weak. I almost died from having twins because I was small." Yoongi's eyes widen.

"What the hell? You almost died giving birth?" He asked.

"Yeah, your baby, Jiyoon was too big, and Taeji was being pushed back, and we have to do an emergency c-section. They said I lost too much blood, and it was a miracle that they saved me, or I wouldn't even be here..." Jimin explained, tearing up a little at the memory and he continued on, "That's why I told Chiminy not to knot with anyone else because I don't want to get pregnant again because I'm scared the same mistake will happen, and this time there will be no miracle..." He sniffled, and Yoongi couldn't help but to hug the distress omega. He hushed and whispered sweet things, making him calm down.

"I'm sorry that happened, Jimin..."

"It's fine. At least I get to see the babies. They were cute, but annoying for the past few weeks after we brought them home. I'm not even surprised at Jiyoon because he rarely cries. He gets it from you." Jimin and Yoongi chuckled.

"Appa?" They both looked and saw Jiyoon rubbing his eyes. Yoongi looked at Jimin with permission. Jimin bit his lip. He knew that Jiyoon and Yoongi clicked, so he won't hold them back. He nodded, permitting him to be with his son.

"Hey, sport." Yoongi whispered and picked up his pup. Jiyoon hugged his neck and fell asleep right there.

"Cute." Jimin mumbled at the scene.

"As we're saying Jimin... About the living situation..."

"What about it, Yoongi? What are we going to do?" He asked desperately.

"How about you and the twins living with me?"

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