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Jimin and Taemin were done. The alpha casually sat on the bed while litting up the moon candle to get the sex smell out. Jimin, on the other hand, sat with his legs crossed together while his face was beet red. He played with his fingers and messing with the IV that was attached to his arm. He couldn't get his mind out of it when Taemin was so gentle with him.

The soothing pace was enough for Jimin to feel love from him, even though Taemin is not his boyfriend. His innocence was ripping away piece by piece as the day goes on. Jimin looked at the clock next to his bed. They've been at it for almost an hour, and the smell of sex will go away in 10 minutes or so. He looked beside him and saw Taemin was dressed in his regular clothing before everything went heated.

Jimin smiled to himself and got comfortable on the bed, occasionally cuddling next to Taemin. Taemin would let his fingers roam in his hair, making the omega purr. Everything was peaceful until the sound of the front door was slammed open, and footsteps were coming closer.

"T-Taemin hide!" Jimin whispered-yelled. Immediately the alpha went to a secret compartment that was hidden in Jimin's room. He got comfortable and blew out the moon candle and looked healthy as possible. His door was slammed open, revealing a panting Taehyung while his eyes were ruby red. Jimin whimpered at the sight of an angry alpha.

Alpha Taehyung eyes soften as they went back to normal. He sniffed the air around and smelt nothing but the scent of Jimin's room. He huffed and went near Jimin.

"W-What are you doing here, T-Taehyung?" Jimin stuttered, bringing the blanket close to his face.

"Are you in some kind of danger? Did you have sex? Did you kiss someone? Are you hurt anywhere? Did you reject Yoongi?" Taehyung asked. Jimin wants to shut him up since he's asking too many questions.

"No, I didn't d-do any of those..." Jimin mumbled. Taehyung creases his brows together, knowing his friend lied. He sniffed the bedsheets and bingo.

"The fuck?!" Taehyung roared out as he unleashed his inner alpha. He walked around, trying to find the person who had sex with his precious Jimin.

"W-Wait Taehyung!" Jimin jumbled out of his bed, forgetting that the IV was in. He hissed at the slight pain and gently grabbed the handle where his liquid medicine was placed. He waddled towards the alpha, hoping to calm the alpha down.

"Calm d-down, please!" Jimin exclaimed, grabbing the arms of the alpha, but the alpha pushed him to bed and softly to the ground. That's where alpha Taemin took action. He emerged from the hiding spot and attacked Taehyung.

Two alpha's threw punched at each other. Jimin cried at the scene and got up to try to break up the fight, but there was no avail.

"What the fuck is going on!?" Jimin looked at his doorway and saw Y/n with her beta eyes looking at the two alpha's fighting. She growled and pull their ears and painfully twisted them. The two alpha's yelped and whimpered in pain.

"Both of you, outside!" She yelled. Both alpha's went out of the room, mumbling shit under their breath. Y/n's blue eyes went back to her standard color as she saw Jimin on the floor, crying softly. She cooed and went near to the omega and hugged him. Jimin wrapped his arms around her waist, inhaling the sweet scent of buttercream. Y/n slowly took the IV out of Jimin's arm and messaged lightly at the spot.

"Rest up, pup. I'll talk to those dumbass alpha's." She said while putting Jimin up on the bed. When she was about to leave, Jimin grabbed her wrist.

"Please be easy on them... I didn't mean for this to happen..." Jimin quietly said. She sighed and looked at for another minute before nodding. He let go of her wrist and watched as she walked off to the room. Jimin comfortably laid on his side and put his hand on his stomach.

"Hi, baby... Mommy here. I can't wait to meet you."

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