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Y/n slept with a heavy heart when Hoseok didn't text. I love you back, but she probably understands that he said he was in a rush. So there was some relief in her heart.

The next morning came up, and Jimin was the first one to be up. He slowly sat up and blinked a few times to regain his eyesight. He looked down and saw that he was on top of Y/n. No wonder he slept comfortably, Y/n was the right kind of squishy. Jimin slowly got off of her and his way towards the bathroom to do his morning routine.

Next, Jin woke up when he heard footsteps leaving the living room. He yawned and sat up to stretch his limbs. He saw that Y/n was still sleeping, but Jimin was gone. He grabbed a nearby pillow and smacked the beta on the head.

"What the?!" She woke up in an instant making the older laugh. She looked at Jin with a tired, yet annoyed face, but giggled.

"Good morning to you too." She said, cracking her bones in the process, then she looked at the clock. "Or afternoon."

"What?" Jin questioned. He looked at the clock, and it read 12:49 pm. "Damn, we almost slept the whole day."

"Yeah, but I'm not surprised since you and Jimin are pregnant, and you two can sleep through a hurricane. Meanwhile, with me, I have a day off today. Thank fuck because I'm sleep deprived." She got up from the couch and started folding the blankets with Jin's help.

Jimin came down with a fresh new look and outfit, but he felt bloated. He saw Y/n and Jin folding up the blankets and stacking up the pillows.

Jin noticed him and smiled, "Good afternoon, Jimin. Are you heading somewhere?" He asked when he saw the younger's outfit: Baby blue hoodie with black ripped jeans and regular vans.

"Um, well, Taehyung and Jeongguk texted me if they want to hang out at the mall today, and I agreed." He said while looking down.

"Well, I was hoping that you wanna join me to see your brother, but you can hang out with your friends," Jin said while folding the last blanket and hand it over to Y/n so she can put them away. "But, I want you back before 7, got it?"

Jimin nodded and pecked Jin's cheek, which took him by surprise.

"Where's mine?" Y/n whined and pouted like a child. Jin and Jimin chuckled. Jimin went up to Y/n and pecked her cheek, making her smile and pinched his cheeks.

"Okay. I'm going!" Jimin shouted as he went through the front door. Y/n and Jin waved goodbye to the younger.

"Hey, Jin..." Y/n said.

"Hmm?" Jin replied.

"How do you know that your partner is... Not affectionate towards you?" She asked.

"Well, they distanced from you, they won't be intimate with you, they won't tell you the truth, even the worst part is that they don't say, 'I love you' back." He responded. "Is everything okay with you and Hoseok?"

"Yeah, we're fine. We're happy together. I'm just asking for a friend since she's having problems with her boyfriend and yeah... Wanna know." She said.

"Okay, then. Do you need to go home?"

"Yup. I promised my family that I'll be there, and I have to see if my son cleaned."

"Alright, then. See you on my pregnancy appointment?"

"Yup, and I'll return your clothes later."

"Okay, see you, girl!"

"See you!"


"You guys left me during that humiliating week!" Jimin whined. Jeongguk and Taehyung both gave Jimin a guilty look. But they have an excuse because Taehyung's rut was during that week, and Jeongguk have to help him, but of course, they didn't want to tell Jimim.

"Sorry, Jimin... We were busy that week. This is why we told you to come here so that we can make it up to you!" Jeongguk exclaimed. "And also, we brought someone. He said that he knew you when he came up to us."

Jimin tilted his head, cutely, "Who?"

"Me." The familiar scent hits Jimin, and he knew what he was. He turned around and faced, Taemin. The black hair Alpha who helped him that day where he was humiliated.

"Taemin!" Jimin exclaimed and hugged the alpha, inhaling his scent. He chuckled and hugged him back.

"This is my surprise?" Jimin squeaked out, facing the two couple.

"Yeah... So you won't third wheel the whole time. This concludes a double date!" Taehyung said. He linked arms with his mate and began to walk ahead, leaving two blushing males.

"Um... Shall we?" Taemin said, awkwardly, holding his arm. Jimin nodded slowly linked his arm around his. Both walked, catching up with the other two.

"' Bout time you losers catch up." Taehyung said, smugly. Jeongguk slapped his mate across his head, making him laugh.

"We're not losers!" Jimin whined with a pout.

"Whatever, let's go shopping!" Taehyung exclaimed. All of them nodded and walked around the mall.


Y/n came home with a clean house, which made her satisfied. She put her car keys in the bowl and walked around the living room.

"Hm, Yoongi!" She called out.


"Come here! I'm home, and I want a baby's hug!!"


"Come one, don't make me sad!"


"I'll buy you a set of Kumanon!"

She smirked as she heard footsteps coming down and saw her son's gummy smile. Her smirked fade away because she knew what Yoongi did.

"Let's talk." Yoongi's smile faded when he heard his mother's stern voice.

"About what, mom? I have good grades. I cleaned the house, now what?" Yoongi grumbled.

When she was about to speak when the front door opened, revealing Hoseok with a different scent from Y/n, Yoongi rolled his eyes, knowing so well about that scent.

"Hey, baby." Y/n walk towards her husband to kiss him, but Hoseok moved his head only for Y/n giving him a peck on the cheek. Her heart tore like a piece of paper, but she ignored it.

Yoongi scoffed.

"Now that we're all here. Let's talk." Y/n said as she sat down. Both males sat down on each side of her.

"Let's get straight to the point, Yoongi you go-"

"Mom, Hoseok has been cheating on you."

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