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School came around. This was Jimin's first day, and no one could ruin it. Jimin's school is a talent school. You have to audition to go to this school and show that you have real guts about it.

Jimin clutched his backpack strap on his shoulder as he made his way into the school. There were band kids and colorguard kids together performing just for fun in the hallways. Jimin watched in awe. Then there dancers dancing and singers singing.

"...Those ocean eyes~"

Jimin smiled when a girl sang with a beautiful soothing voice. He walked down the hall and went inside the office to pick up his schedule. The lady in the front office was nice and took a liking of Jimin. They said their goodbyes. Good thing Jimin knows his way around the school. He looked down onto his schedule.

1.) Dance
2.) History
3.) Science
4.) Mathematics
5.) Lunch
6.) English
7.) Art


Jimin looked up and saw Jeongguk with Taehyung besides him.

"Jeongguk! Taehyung!" Jimin exclaimed. Jeongguk and Jimin shared a hug, and Taehyung just waved at him.

"How do you like this school so far?" Taehyung asked.

"It's great! So many talented people here!" Jimin said as he looked around.

"It's going to be a-"

Jeongguk was cut off by high pitched screaming. The trio looked where and saw a mob of girls look forward, their hands clutching at their chest.

Yoongi was strutting in the middle of the hallway with no emotion marked on his face. He smirked when he spotted a familiar pink hair boy standing on the side. He walked over.

"Oh god, Yoongi is coming here. Taehyung take me away~" Jeongguk dramatically said and pushed himself against him. Taehyung growled lowly, not paying attention to his omega but instead, glaring at Yoongi.

"Both of you behind me now." Taehyung lowly demanded. Both omegas were confused, but when none of them listened, Taehyung took Jimin and Jeongguk's hand and pulled them behind them.

"Tsk, you can have only one omega Taehyung. You don't want Jeongguk to die, do you?" Yoongi smugly said. He looked at the two omega's behind, especially at Jimin. He licked his lips and faced Taehyung.

"Face it, Kim. You won't be there to protect them all the time." Yoongi chuckled lowly and pushed Taehyung hard enough for the omega's to feel. Yoongi walked away with fangirls behind his back.

"Ehh~ Taehyung..." Jeongguk whined and patted his back for him to back away. Taehyung obliged.

"Sorry. I have to do that." Taehyung said. "Are you two okay?" He asked while observing the two. The both nodded and rubbed their back.


"Yeah, but what was that? Yoongi seems nice when I met him..." Jimin said with a confused face. Taehyung sighed and ran his hair back.

"He's not all nice. Enough of this, you two, go to class." Jimin and Jeongguk whined when the alpha was pushing them.


The school day went by fast, and it's Jimin's last class of the day. Art. It was his favorite subject since he loved to draw.

"Alright, class, welcome. Today we're going to do some portrait drawing of your peers. Please partner up with your choice." The teacher said. Jimin's weakness is finding a partner. He looked left and right to see if anyone is available but no one.

"Yoongi. Get up and find yourself a partner." Yoongi groaned and got up. Jimin's was surprised when he didn't notice Yoongi had the same class as him. Yoongi looked around the classroom.

"Yoongi Oppa, we can be partners!" A girl appeared in Yoongi's view. "And maybe we can do something fun later~" A smirk made his way onto his face.

"Sure thing~" He said while biting his lips.

"Now. Who doesn't have a partner?" The teacher called out as she looked around the room.

"I don't, Miss..." Jimin raised his hand up. She looked at him and looked around the room.

"Hmm, we'll try this. Jimin go with Yoongi and Jihye. You guys will be a trio."

"Ughhh, Miss Park. That loser can work by himself!" She exclaimed.

"I do not tolerate that behavior in my class. Jimin will work with you guys. Jihye, you can leave, but this will affect your grade internally." Miss Park stated. Jihye groaned and slammed her head on the table. "Jimin, you may go with them." She said and went back with her work.

Jimin half-smiled. He grabbed his stuff and moved towards where Yoongi and Jihye are. He sat next to Yoongi, which made Yoongi the middle.

"Ugh, whatever. I didn't want to fail this class. I'll get the supplies." Jihye said and left the table leaving the two boys. Jimin awkwardly fidgets his fingers waiting for the girl.

"Who knew you'll be in my class, pinkie. If my cousin weren't there," Yoongi got too close for Jimin's liking. Jimin faced Yoongi's eyes. They were filled with something that Jimin couldn't describe. Not anyone's fault that he doesn't know anything and whatnot. "Mm... Someday pinkie." Yoongi husilky said as he backed away from the boy. Jimin's covered his hand since he felt heat rising to his cheeks.

Jihye made it back with the supplies in her hand. She dumped them all on the table and sat next to Yoongi. All the supplies were pushed over to Jimin since Yoongi and Jihye are preoccupied at the moment.

Jimin took out his phone and plugged in his earphones and began shuffling the music and let his hand find a pencil and began gliding peacefully on the paper.

Trappando come Pablo, huh (skrrt skrrt)
Porta la tua tipa al tablo, huh (skrrt skrrt)
Mi conosci sono el diablo, huh (skrrt skrrt)
No, io con te no hablo, no (skrrt skrrt)

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