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Jimin wiped the twins down on the bed, which he was thankful for because the twins were so hyper after bath time. He rubbed some lotion onto their tiny bodies and put their diapers on since they aren't trained yet to use potty diapers. The twins whined at the lack of sleep and started to suck their thumbs. Jimin awed at sight and wanting to take a picture, but his phone is destroyed...

After rubbing lotion on, Jimin took out the PJ set that Jin loaned him.

He put Taeji in the car onsie while Jiyoon stuck with the striped one

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He put Taeji in the car onsie while Jiyoon stuck with the striped one. Jimin carefully picked them up.

"Oof..." He grunted. He didn't expect that the twin's tiny bodies would be so heavy, or maybe he's just weak as hell. Just about when he was about to set one down, a certain alpha took one of the twins, which happens to be Jiyoon. Jimin turned and saw Yoongi in his pajamas instead of his suit.

"Saw you were struggling, so I figured you need help." Yoongi said. Jiyoon whined when he was apart from his mom, but Yoongi calmed him down with his scent, which also made Taeji calm. Jiyoon stopped whining and snuggled against Yoongi's chest.

"Thank you... We can set them on the bottom bunk. They're still babies..." Jimin whispered and walked towards the bunk beds with Yoongi following. They both set the twins down carefully, not wanting to wake them up. The bed was big enough for the two to fit in, but they chose to cuddle with each other while sucking their thumbs. Jimin pulled their tiny hands out of their mouths, but they both whined.

"Mama... We want our binkie..." Jiyoon sleepily said. Jimin just sighed and tucked them into bed. The twins slowly brought their thumbs and sucked on it again.

Jimin turned to Yoongi, "Can you watch them for me? I'll have to find something for them..." Yoongi nodded, and Jimin thanked him. He tiptoed out of the room and went downstairs to the kitchen to spot Jin drinking wine.

"Oh, hello, Jimin. Want a drink?" Jin offered as he raised the wine bottle up.

"Ah, no thanks, Hyung. By any chance, you have pacifiers... or something?" He asked.

"Jimin... They are three years old... They should be off of the pacifiers already to avoid dental problems. So ignore the pacifiers for today, and we'll see what happens." Jimin sighed and nodded, but knowing the next day, he'll have two whiny babies clinging by his side.

"Okay, Jin. I'll try... Goodnight..." Jin nodded and watched Jimin leave the dining room.

"Ah... More for me." Jin said, pouring more wine than the glass can could hold.

Jimin went upstairs and into his room. He saw Yoongi peace sleeping on his bed, and he almost felt bad that he has to wake up him up.

"Yoongi... Wake up. You can go now..." The thing that Jimin didn't know that Yoongi is one heavy sleeper. Jimin shook him, but that didn't work. Jimin gave up and laid next to Yoongi.

Jimin closed his eyes and turned his back on Yoongi. At least Yoongi has the left side while Jimin on the right. Then Jimin felt a pair of arms around his waist and breath on his neck.

"Yoongi..." Jimin husked out, but Yoongi grunted and held him tighter. Jimin's heartbreak was ready to jump out.

"Sleep, Minnie..." Yoongi said and buried his head into Jimin's nape. He was blessed that Yoongi couldn't see his blushing face. Then his scent of minty pinecones hit him along the entire room made feel calm and relaxed. His body let him sleep off to dreamland.


The twins woke up in the middle of the night. They both yawned at the same time and helped each other getting down. They were restless on the bottom bunk because it wasn't like their own bed or their mother. So they decided to sleep with their mom.

"Ready? I'll lift you up and you lift me. Got it, bro?" Jiyoon asked. Taeji nodded and put his little foot on Jiyoons palm, and he boosted him up. Then Taeji lifted Jiyoon all his might upon the bed. They both played their panting. It's a lot of exercise for them, and they weren't used to it.

After catching their breaths, they hold their head up and see their mother on top of someone. Jiyoon was angered.

"Mama!!" Jiyoon roared out, causing the two adults jolt up.

"Jiyoon?" Jimin questioned tiredly. He didn't know that he was straddling Yoongi at the moment.

"Our mommy!" The twins yelled and pulled Jimin by the arm. Jimin made contact with the other side of the bed while the twins sat on top of him. They have pouty faces on them while crossing their arms.

"Don't touch our mommy!" Jiyoon yelled and went to the side of Jimin while Taeji on the other.

"What the..." Jimin said but stopped when the twins snored soundly.

"What just happened..." Yoongi asked, scratching his head. Jimin just shrugged since he couldn't move that much because of the twins taking all the space he has.

"Alright..." Yoongi laid back down and fall asleep. Jimin though he's going back to his room and sleep there, but he guessed not. He adjusted his arms around the twin's bodies and stared up at the ceiling, only the bright moonlight shining down. This all happened under five days...

"M-Mommy... Milk..." Taeji whispered and clutched onto Jimin's shirt and lifting it up slightly.

"Sweetie, no... Why all of a sudden you want milk?" Jimin asked.

"S-Stressed, hungry, u-upset too..." Taeji responded and fully lifted up his shirt and immediately latching before his mother could raise his shirt down. Jimin just sighed and let the kid do whatever, but he needs to find a way soon...


It's currently 7:37 am here and I woke up an hour and I'm hungry.

How y'all doing

I have to say that Baby Steps is almost done.

I spent like 3 hours on tiktok sooooooooo.... Hai.

I'm very hungry

Ooh did anyone your schools cancel for a whole year 🤩

My sanity is going to kill everyone in my household

I've been a bad child since this quarantine shit started to happen and I wanna leave

I also have to fight a Karen because she was yelling at my mom for taking her scrubs outside 🤡 Lke bro... She work with the cases bitch.

7:41 am and I still have no food

No joke my tummy has been rumbling

Oooh... My mom just poured something in a pot 😛

Hispanics/Latinos rise cause I'm guessing it's frijoles

7:42 am and I'm still in bed.

Here is my snap: amysifuentes12

I honestly like talking each and one of you uwu and some of you saw my face and called me cute which I'm glad cause I looked like a whole potato uwu

7:43 am I should be stopping here sjsjsjsjsjsskksksksksksks

I promise this book will get better just give it a few chapters 😭


Running through the parking lot
He chased me and he wouldn't stop
Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it
Grabbed my hand, pushed me down
Took the words right out my mouth


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