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Y/n came home, smelling the female omega's scent. She scowled and almost puke, but the smell was faint. She put her keys on the key holder and walked to the living and saw her son, lying peacefully on the couch.

She cooed silently as her gummer bear slept soundly. She grabbed the blanket from the other couch and covered him entirely.

She sat on the edge of the couch as she watched her son sleep. Then her hand went to her stomach.

"How can I tell you that you're going to be an older brother?" She mumbled.


Yoongi woke up when he smell some breakfast going on to the kitchen. He sat up, cracking some bones, and rubbed his neck, feeling the pain since he slept on the couch.

Y/n emerges from the kitchen, holding a plate of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and a side of fruit salad.

"Oh, hello, sleepyhead." She said happily while setting the food down on the coffee table.

"You make breakfast when you want to talk about something. What is it?" Yoongi quirked his eyebrow, looking at his mother. She sighed and sat on one of the arm couches.

"Um, so... I know you're an only child baby and I love you so so so much, Yoongi."

"Where is this going?"

She took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant. You're going to be a big brother!" She exclaimed, putting out the confetti at the wide eye Yoongi.


"I can't believe you convince me to be out here without my brother knowing!"

"Yes, Jimin, I'm pretty convincing." Taemin said cockliy. In the morning, everyone was still asleep because Namjoon and Jin had to work on something in the middle of the night, and it made them sleep in.

"Where are we going?!" Jimin giggled as he was getting pulled through a bunch of branches. The older didn't answer, and he continued to drag the omega. He made an abrupt stop when they were at a cliffside, looking over the beautiful lake glisten under the sun.

"Wow, Taemin," Jimin said breathlessly as he looked over the lake sitting still but having little waves as the wind picked it up.

"Sit, Jimin." Taemin pulled Jimin down since he was pregnant and didn't want to hurt his baby. Jimin obliged and sat next to him on the soft grass.

"Why'd you take me here? It's so beautiful." Jimin asked.

"I often come here alone with my thoughts or if I wanted to get away from something. If I bring someone here... That means they're very important to me. It can be my mom, brother, sister, my grandma, or even... My significant other." Taemin said while looking at Jimin's brown orbs. He felt himself blush, but Jimin didn't look away. In all honesty, Jimin's heart was beating out of his chest.

"Well, I must be important then.." Jimin whispered, looking at his eyes for a brief moment. Taemin's face was an inch apart of his. Jimin didn't back down even though he should because he didn't love Taemin like that, but often he needs to tell himself that he needs to move on.

"Taemin..." Taemin's lips captured Jimin's, it was a feeling that Jimin never felt before with Yoongi, but he couldn't blame him. They were both intoxicated at the time, and he blamed the cycles.

Taemin's large hands went to cup Jimin's cheeks on his face, not his ass, everyone. But suddenly, he pulled away with his face splattered with confusion.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked almost at the brink of tears thinking the kiss wasn't good enough, but instead, he squeaked a little bit when Taemin pushed him down, hugging his belly. Jimin felt Taemin's ear shifted around then stopped.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked.

"Have you ever heard that alpha's could hear their unborn pup heartbeat?" He said, gently fighting his grip around the omega.

"Yeah, I heard, but... Wait, Taemin..." Jimin's voice cracked as he looked at him.

"You're carrying my baby too, Jimin."


I swear I have this all planned out.

We have a first case here, yoohoo... 😒

Found that she's not from here, but from New York 🙃

Good thing school canceled

So this book will probably have like 30+ chapters, maybe.

My mind kept shifting on how I wanted the story and there's other ideas, etc.

I made google classroom too!

Join if you want too. I think you should, lol.

Class code: ytr77or

Hope you guys join honestly. I just wanted to make friends...

We're running out of toliet paper too


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