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Jimin POV

I closed the front door gently, hopefully, that Namjoon and Jin were still sleeping. I didn't want to deal with them at the moment. I tiptoed to my room, and with success, I made it to my room and closed the door gently. I sat on my bed and started to think about this morning from carrying Taemin's baby and being his husband.

After he hugged my stomach saying that his baby was there, I started to believe him because Y/n said I can still get pregnant during the first nine weeks, and I have to be careful, but I guess I didn't listen. Taemin promised me that he'd take care of me, unlike Yoongi does. I was embarrassed that he literally went down on one knee and proposed to me and the dumbest thing that I answered yes. I didn't want to make him upset, and he said that he'd take care of the babies and me. I guess I have two babies inside. I smiled and rubbed my belly.

"Namjoon will kill me..." I said out loud.

"Why would I kill you?" I shrieked and threw a pillow at the sound.


I looked at the doorway and saw Namjoon standing there, "Oh, h-hi Joon uwu." He looked at me confusedly.

"Now answer my question, pup. Why would I kill you? Did you do something illegal?" He asked, quirking his eyebrow at me. I fiddled with fingers because this is what I do when I'm very anxious.

"Minnie. Tell me, or I'm going to make you clean the entire house." He said sternly. My face turn into a pout, knowing he hurt my weakness, cleaning the entire house with no one helping me. I only did this once, and it was horrible! My whole joints were aching that day, and after that I promise to obey Namjoon.

"Um... I sneaked out this morning..." I mumbled, looking at my fingers, not wanting to meet his gaze. I heard a sigh and heavy footsteps coming near me.

"Relax, you're not in trouble. Remember when you're little, we always sneak out when our parents are asleep?" He said, and I smiled at the memory. We indeed sneak out, and we did loads of fun when our parents were asleep.

"I'll allow this time for not telling me, but next time, tell me, or I'll kick your butt." I nodded in agreement. "Also, clean your room. Y/n is coming to give your daily dose of medicine early since she has to be somewhere."

I hummed. Namjoon ruffled my hair before leaving my room. I sighed, flopped back onto my bed, thinking back at the cliff with Taemin. My tummy fluttered at the memory since it was the sweetest. I got up from my bed and cleaned my room.


I huffed at my spotless room. I never knew that I was such a mess, but then again, I don't care. I grabbed my stand thingy to give me my medication. I'm already used to the pain on my arm since the needle went to my arm almost every day of my life. I heard the front door closed and some chattering. I guess Y/n is here.

The heavy footsteps came upstairs and stopped at my front door. They knocked, and I told them to go in.

"Hey, Jimin~" I saw Y/n at my doorway with a smile. She came closer with a bag where she has the medication I'm supposed to take. She sets everything up, and I just sit there when she puts the needle into my arm. I hissed, but relaxed when I felt the liquid in my veins.

"So. Shall we check the baby? I'm excited becaus,e in a few weeks, we'll be finding out the gender!" She exclaimed. Should I tell her that I have twins, according to Taemin? Maybe I'll let her find out since we have our own ultrasound machine.

"I'm excited." I said even though it didn't really seem that I was excited, but I really am. She pulled out the wand thingy and that cold gel stuff and put it on my slightly swollen stomach.

"Where's Namjoon and Jin?" I asked. Usually, one of the two would come here and comfort me, but they aren't here.

"Well, they decided to get breakfast from your favorite place."

I gasped, "Ihop!?" She nodded with her beautiful gummy smile that reminded me too much of Yoongi.

"Okay, we'll see what your baby is doing." She pressed the wang thingy down and turned on the monitor, revealing multiple heartbeats going on.

"What the-" She looked at the monitor with a surprised face, then she looked at me.

"B-Before you say anything... Yes, I had sex... With Taemin..." I said, looking at my stomach.

"What?!" I heard someone yell... I looked and oh darn... It's Namjoon... Again... Kill me now

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