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3 years later

Peace was one word Jimin is thinking. He's currently meditating in front of the pool, clearing his mind and whatnot. He wanted a break from the twins.

But unlucky for him, his babies came back home early from their grandparent's house.

"Eomma!" Jimin internally whined, but he put on a smile when the twins tackled him.

"My babies, how was Grandma's house?!" He asked way too excitedly, pulling his babies away from him.

"Grandma was nice and Grandpa too! We make cookies and-"

Jimin's mind drifted apart as he stared as his babies lovingly. They're both fraternal twin boys. Taemin's baby almost didn't survive, but it was a miracle that he was saved on time, now this bouncy tiny baby boy is Taeji. With Yoongi's baby, he was the firstborn, and he was huge for a baby, but it was love at first sight with him, Jiyoon. Taemin was kind enough to name the firstborn baby mixed with Jimin and Yoongi's name.

"A-And e-eomma, we make d-drawings for you a-and appa!" Taeji said and grabbed both of their backpacks and pulled out a scribbled drawing showing the four of them and a big house. Yes, Taeji started stuttering not too long ago. They're trying to get him into speech therapy, but he promised the married couple that'll he learn by himself. They weren't too comfortable for that, but they nodded.

"Wow, so beautiful my babies. We'll hang this up on the fridge, yeah?" The twins nodded and followed Jimin to the kitchen, where he saw Taemin preparing his lunch.

"Appa!" The twins exclaimed and hugged their father. He chuckled and ruffled their hair.

"Appa appa !" Jiyoon exclaimed. Jiyoon was the most hyper one instead of Taeji. He just kept to himself instead.

"Me and Taeji made- hsusbsishejus." Jimin's mind went to another world as he put up the drawing on the fridge. His world is all about his twins and family, including Yoongi. But he's married to Taemin, and they lived happily, which he really lived. Yoongi, on the other hand, he missed him. Jimin always wondered what the older was doing and whatnot. Yoongi was still generous for paying half of the twin's stuff. Of course, Jimin sent pictures of Jiyoon and also Taeji, he didn't want to become that parent.

"Jimin?" He snapped out of his trance and turned to look at Taemin.

"You okay there? You stared at that fidget like it's porn." Taemin snickered along with Jimin.

"Just thinking..." Jimin responded. Taemin hummed and back hugged Jimin, rubbing his nose against Jimin's mate mark. They've both mated to each other a few months after the twins were born. It was hectic because Taemin didn't wear a condom, and Jimin was great full when the test came back negative.

"Jimin, I have go away for three weeks on a business trip..." Taemin said.

Jimin turned around, "That's a first. Where you're off too?"

"They said I'm going to Busan to see the arrangements of the new company they're building." He responded, holding his mate by the hips.

"That's a long way... When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Really? This short?!" He exclaimed.

"They called me literally last minute, Minnie! I couldn't cancel it!"

Jimin sighed, "Fine fine, fine... Whatever... Let's not fight over this..."

Taemin hugged his distress omega

"It's okay... I'm sorry... But for now," He pulled Jimin closer. "The twins are asleep, and we have free time~"

"Wha- aahh!" Jimin exclaimed when Taemin suddenly throws him on shoulder, slapping his butt in the process.

"Let's wrestle!" He shouted and ran to their bedroom, where they mess with the bedsheets.

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