Chapter 2: New School

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up because of my freaking alarm clock, "Ugh, so early." I groaned and lazily stood up and did my morning routine.

After doing my routine, I head downstairs and greeted my mom and brother. "Good morning, mom! Good morning, oppa!"

"Good morning, Y/n!" They said in unison, I let out a short giggle, "Come on, let's eat." My mom said, we all sat down and eat quietly.

Today, me and my brother will go to our new school and we were going to enroll there.

The school name is Seoul National University, I heard that it's a prestigious school. 'I hope that I would have friends there.'

By the way, we finished eating and bid goodbye to our mom, kissing her cheeks before we go out of the house.

My brother is an idol in BigHit Entertainment, he is Choi Beomgyu, we walked until we reached our soon-to-be school.

The school was not that far from our home, it's just a 20 minute walk. The school was big and beautiful, we proceeded inside, searching for the principal's office. We saw the office just a head of us.

We walked until we reached the front door. "Y/n, you knock first." "No, you knock." "I'm older, you knock." "I'm a girl, you knock." "What's the connection?" We both glared at each other, I took his hand and knocked.

"Come in." A feminine voice said from the other side, "Not hard, right?" I asked, smirking at him.

I went inside before he could even say something. "Hello, I'm Ms. Kim! How can I help you?"

"Hello, Ms. Kim! We are the Choi twins and we are here to enroll." My twin said. "Is that all? If it is, then let's proceed fixing your informations and schedule."

* Time Skip 30 Mins.*

After half an hour of boring things, we finally finished, we got our schedule and other information about the school.

We will start next monday, I really hope the students are nice, we were now heading home, when I suddenly saw an ice cream stall.

"Oppa, can we buy some?" I asked and pointed at the stall. "Hmm, of course!" We walked to the stall, "What do you want, Y/n?" "Cookies n' cream!" I excitedly replied. "Okay, then." After buying, we head home.

Nayeon's POV:

I've been thinking if we should enroll the maknaes in a school, since we don't have much schedule this year.

"Hey, girls! Can you get down here?" I called, "Ne, unnie. We are coming." They all replied in unison.

I gathered all of then in the living room, once they arrived, "Why did you call us, unnie? Is there a problem?" Chewy asked.

"Oh, it's because I wanted to ask the three of you, if you want to go to school, do you want to?" I asked, the maknaes looks excited.

"Really, unnie?!" The three asked in unison, I nodded at them, "Yes! We're going on a school!" They cheered happily.

"But..." I said trailing off "But what, unnie?" Dubu asked. "I haven't asked our manager. But don't worry, I will ask him tomorrow." I said and reassuringly smiled at them.

"Okay, unnie. We'll wait for it." Chaeng said. Jihyo suddenly approached me. "Unnie, do you think it will be okay?"

"Of course, Jihyo- ah. Look at them, they look so happy." I replied and smiled at her.

"Girls, we should head to bed and sleep, especially the three of you. You should prepare, because if manager-nim agreed, we'll immediately go to the school and enroll the three of you, okay?" I said.

All of them replied, "Ne, unnie. Jaljayo." We proceeded to our respective room and drifted into our own dream land.

Y/n's POV:

'Ugh, I can't sleep, it's already late.' I took my phone and opened it, and saw that it's already 12 a.m.

I closed my eyes and TRIED to sleep, but still no use, 'Oh, come on!' I let out a groan and turn on my side, 'This is going to be a long night.'

[A/N: Hi, sorry for updating at 3 am, I just can't sleep 😩]

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