Chapter 21: A day with Mina

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3rd person's POV:

Y/n woke up from her deep slumber, immediately smelling the aroma of a delicious food.

She quickly ran down, where she saw Mina with an apron and her hair tied in a messy bun, 'Cute.' She thought.

"Good morning, unnie!" She greeted, making the older girl flinch, "Oh, good morning, Y/n! Let's eat, the food is ready."

Mina served the food she prepared, Y/n's eyes sparkled at the sight, "Wow! Mina unnie, these look good!" Mina let out a shy smile, Y/n swiftly dug in, which made Mina let out a giggle. 

"Yah! Slowdown, you might choke." The younger just replied with a nod, "After eating, change your clothes. We're going somewhere." Mina said, the latter smiled.

"Okay!" Y/n replied cheerfully and continued eating. When they finished, Y/n rushed to her room. 'She's so cute!' The older thought.

Y/n's POV:

After changing into some casual and comfortable clothes, I ran back down and saw Mina unnie playing on her phone, I sneaked behind her.

"What are you playing?" She jolted and placed a hand on her chest, "Gosh, Y/n! Don't do that again." I giggled at her.

"Anyways, I'm now ready, unnie." She looked at my clothes and stood up before smiling.

"Unnie, where are we going?" "It's a surprise, so, I can't tell you." I pouted at her, "Pwease, unnie." 

"No, and don't do that." I smirked, "Why? You can't resist it, don't you?" I asked as I smile teasingly at her, she averted her gaze to somewhere else, "Come on, the taxi's here."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my yard, we entered the car and the ride is extremely silent making me sleepy.

Mina's POV:

As I stared outside, I felt something land on my shoulder, I turned my head and saw Y/n sleeping. Not long after, we're almost at the place.

"Y/n, wake up. We're almost there." She hummed and slowly opened her eyes. She look outside the window and saw the amusement park.

"Oh my gosh! I miss going here!" We went out of the taxi, then headed to the park, while Y/n here was acting like a little kid. 

I held her hand so she would not get lost, "Calm down, Y/n. We'll ride and play everything here." She got out of my grip and ran, "Yah! Y/n, you might get lost!" I shouted for the first time in my life.

She stopped in her tracks and looked at me nervously. I caught up with her, "I'm sowwy, unnie~." She cutely said and hugged me.

"It's okay, just don't do it again." She nodded and I held her hand, again, this time, tighter. "Come on, and let's do everything here!" 

 ★Time skip

We had rode all of the extreme ones and played the mini games, and now, we were riding the ferris wheel. "Unnie, it's so nice and beautiful up here." She commented as her eyes sparkled at the scenery.

I'm glad she's enjoying, "Yeah, it is indeed." I looked at her eyes, she suddenly, making an eye contact with me, we stared at each other for a minute.

I quickly looked away as blood creeping it's way to my cheek, soon, the ride reached its end, "Are you hungry?" I asked, "Nope."

Her stomach suddenly growled, "Hehe." She exclaimed out of embarrassment as she blushed.

"Come on now." I said and took her hand, before going to the nearest restaurant.


Hello! It's been a month since I updated this book. And I'm sorry for that, sorry fir making you wait. I promise to update more💕

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