Chapter 10: Drunk pt.2

978 39 1

Jihyo's POV:

I suddenly felt worried about Y/n, what if a person took her? She shouldn't go out at night especially if she's alone.

I called all the girls and gathered them in the living room, "What happened to Y/n? She looks so wasted." Mina stated with concern.

"Sana saw her at the park, drinking alone." I replied, "I think we should put her on a bed and change her clothes." Momo said.

"Wow! Momoring, when did you become smart?" Jeongyeon said and laughed, but Momo just pouted at her.

"Where would she sleep, though?" "Uhm, she can sleep in our room, so we could take care of her." Nayeon unnie answered, I nodded at her.

"You're right, unnie!" Chaeng asked, "Yeah, she's not safe around Sana unnie." Tzuyu said, "Hey! I just saved her! How can you say that?"

"Well, you always find a way." Momo and Jeongyeon snorted, "Who will carry her, though?" Nayeon unnie asked.

"I can carry her upstairs." We turned to the person who spoke and it was Jeongyeon at the end of the couch, casually sipping her tea.

"Yeah, you should, unnie. Because you're stronger than us." Dahyun said, Jeongyeon nodded and placed her cup on the table, before carrying Y/n bridal style and headed to our room.

"They look cute!" My eyes widened at the sudden comment and turned my gaze, only to see Nayeon unnie and Sana smiling.

"Yah! She's still young!" I argued, "What? We were just saying." They said in unison, 'Aish these unnies.' By the way, I'm now inside our room changing Y/n's clothes.

I ran a damped towel on her body and her face, because she was burning.

After that, Jeongyeon called us for dinner, "Girls, get down here and eat dinner!" She shouted from the kitchen.

We all gathered in the kitchen and dig in, "How's Y/n doing?" Mina asked. "She's okay now, I already changed her clothes. And earlier, she's burning." I replied and continued eating.

Watching them mess around and bicker with each other, this is already a normal routine, I let out a sigh.

'I'm glad that Mina and Tzuyu were quiet.'

3rd Person's POV:

The members all gathered around the living room, sitting on the couch and doing their own business, they are just chilling.

Except for Mina, who is extremely worried about the younger, she's been fidgety since Y/n came.

She decided to go to the room, once she opened the door, she saw the latter sleeping peacefully, she walked in and sat beside her.

She started stroking Y/n's hair gently, "Yah. You shouldn't go out alone, and don't get drunk. Many guys might take advantage of you, pabo." Mina scolded the sleeping girl.

The older chuckled at herself as she look like an insane person, talking to a sleeping girl beside her, she smiled, seeing the latter peaceful.

Not until Y/n spoke, "No. Please, stop, I'm begging you!" Mina stared at the girl worriedly, she tapped Y/n's cheek to wake her up, but unfortunately, it's no use.

"No! Don't touch me!" The latter whispered shouted and started to cry in her sleep

Mina looked at the girl worriedly, she taps Y/n's cheek to wake her but unfortunately it's no use, "NO! Don't touch me!" The younger girl started to cry in her sleep, "Leave me alone please, let me go." The younger ones said weakly.

Mina touched the girl's forehead and felt it burning. She called the others to help her, "Guys help me! Y/n is burning hot." Mina said to the girls who's sitting on the couch.

They quickly ran to the room, "Let me go, I will do everything you want, please just let me go." Y/n said in her sleep.

[A/N: Double update for today, hope you liked it. Love you chingus! Have a nice day!]

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