Chapter 4: First day of School

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Y/n's  POV 

 I heard my alarm clock ringing, so I lazily sat up and saw my brother sleeping beside me.

I recalled what happened last night and remembered that it stormed last night. 

 I shook my brother's body to wake him up. "Oppa, time to wake uuupp!" I shouted and he groaned in response.

He rolled over and lazily stood up, going to his own room to do his routine.

I did the same thing, after that, we both head down, "Good morning, mom!" "Good morning, kids! Let's eat."

We nodded and went to the dining room. After we finished, we pick our bags and bid goodbye to our mother, "Good bye, mom, take care." We said in unison and kissed her cheeks.

We head out and start walking, as we are walking, my brother suddenly spoke, "Y/n, no relationship on the first day, arraseo?"

I chuckled at his statement, "Of course, oppa!" He smiled and pat my head. 

 By the way, no one knows that he have a sibling a.k.a ME, but I'm glad they don't, because they'll just annoy the hell out off me.

  Since we came to school together, rumors will probably spread out like a wild fire, "See you later, Y/n." "See ya!"

We bid and parted our ways  and I head to my room, I suddenly saw familiar faces.

They seemed really familiar, I shrugged it off and went inside my class.

One thing I hate the most, self introduction, like, why need it? It's not like everyone would be interested to befriend me.

Unless, if they knew I'm a sibling of a popular artist.

Tzuyu's POV:

  Today is the day! I'm so excited, I woke up my two room mates up, "Yah, unnie, Chaeng! Wake up, it's the first day of school."

I head down, leaving them behind, I went to the kitchen and saw Mina unnie. "Good morning, unnie."

She looked up and smiled at me, "Morning, Tzu. Are the others awake? I cooked breakfast."

"I woke Dahyun unnie and Chaeng up, I don't know about the others." We waited for them for a while.

When they walked in, we ate together in SILENCE, when I say in silence, it means otherwise.

 After we are done, we quickly pack our bags, "Good luck on your first day, girls!" Jeongyeon unnie said.

"Ne, unnie!" We said in unison, "Unnie, Chaeng, don't be a slow poke we are going to be late." I said and fasten my pace.

"Yah! No fair, your legs are so long!" I chuckled at Chaeyoung's remark, they caught up to me and head to school.

After walking for 10 minutes, we arrived at our new school, it's big and beautiful.

We went inside and
a girl caught my eyes, she stood out the most.

"Chaeng, look there." I said and nudged her, she averted gaze and her jaw dropped.

"Holy- she's beautiful." "She look like an artist." Dahyun unnie commented, we nodded at her.

After searching for our room for a while, we finally saw it and went inside, where we are greeted by our teacher.

"Hello! You're the new students, right?" "Yes, we are, sir."

"Please introduce yourselves. By the way, I'm Mr. Park. Oh, we also have new student. Miss, please introduce yourself." He said smiling.

The girl stood up and went to my side, "I'm Chou Tzuyu." I plainly said. "I'm Kim Dahyun!" "Hello! I'm Son Chaeyoung!"

We said one by one, their jaw hanging, then the girl beside me spoke softly, "Hi! I'm Choi Y/n." 

She looks familiar hmm... Ahh she's the girl earlier, cute. After an hour the class ended and our next subject is history.

  While walking to our next class, we or specifically me, heard gossips here and there. 

 "Oh my gosh! Did you know, that Choi Beomgyu is here with his twin sister?!"

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, they even went to school together."

"I didn't know he have a twin."

"I saw her earlier, and gosh! She's so beautiful."

"Even TWICE's School Meal Club is here, too!"

"Omo! We are so lucky! All of them are in our school!"

We are doomed. Beomgyu who? From TXT? I didn't know he have a sister. Actually, no one knows.

"Girls, I think we are going to get a lot of attention here." Dahyun unnie said.

"Yeah, I think so, too." Chaeng answered, "It's alright, as long as they don't invade our privacy." They nodded at me.

" They nodded at me

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